My first post on steemit, a little bit of my life.

Hello Steemit community, my name is Miguel Ramirez, I want to start to know a little about this wide community, but like everything else; It is important that you know a little about me, since I have always been an amateur star, I like telescopes and astro-photography, I think that is one of my main hobbies but not the only one.

I am a birth musician

From a very young I discovered the love of music, and I think there is no greater satisfaction than grabbing an instrument and having the ability to produce a melody, I like many musical genres, but I think one of the best it is the music of my country, of Venezuelan folklore; this is a bit of an improvisation:

Here I am with my youngest daughter

A bit of my family

My family is very big, but this is a bit of what is left in the country, due to the complicated situation many have had to go to other places in search of a better quality of life:

(In the photo we are with my grandmother)

(Here I am with my two daughters and my wife)

At my daughter's graduation

There are also other members in my family: my cats

My love for astronomy

I have always had a great fondness for astronomy, I love the enigmas of the universe and when I have time I dedicate myself to this hobby, which grows more every day and I learn more about astronomy and photography, these are some photos that I have managed to take :

My favorite series, movies and channels

1 Ancient Aliens

2 Top Gear

3 Los Restorerers

4 The world wars

5 Ancients Discoveries

6 The price of the story

7 All Batman movies

8 Star Wars

9 The Simpson

10 Containers wars

11 Grimm

12 Back to the future

13 Dr. House

14 Law and order

Well I hope you liked my first post, I hope to continue sharing and growing more in this interesting social network, may the force be with you!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 58665.81
ETH 3153.57
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44