Artsy Polymath that likes Tai Lopez, Jesus, & Modafinil

Hey! I'm Mars Eve. 

My greatest desire in life is to infect your imagination with my happy art virus. 

I have a BFA in painting and printmaking. I am a practicing spiritualist. I'm also a polymath; I am a knowledge addict

I am an artist, mystic, curator, and jester. 

(thanks for the invite  @stellabelle) 


OK third personism...

 Mars' art is mystical flavored pop surrealism. His diverse projects include occult symbology, Christian propaganda, uncanny narratives, and social media conceptualism. His imagery is a chaotic mix of comic books, punk rock, William Blake, and Jack Chick. 

  Mars Eve was born in 1971, and is a native Texan. Mars was raised in a liberal Christian home, that accepted him as a pre-teen atheist punk rocker. After becoming 'radically' born-again at 16, Mars was on his way to becoming a minister. After many turbulent church ministry years, he left church for a vision quest. In 2008, Mars had a vision of the word "EPIC" written on a whiteboard; with a new mystical experience, Mars was on a mission. With a new firey  zeal, he experimented with seminary, a church plant, and a "Beer and Bible" group at a local bar; ironically, Mars' truth quest lead him farther away from modern Christianity. Today, Mars considers himself a Post-Christian; he accepts gays, rejects the mix of politics and religion, rejects the authority of any church, and believes that "Love" is the only commandment we need to follow. Mars also rejects the myth of Hell, and believes that ALL people will be reunited together at the end of time.

  Mars currently lives in Longview, Tx. He and his wife are celebrating their 27th wedding anniversary; they have four kids. 

<enough third person>


My Crazy Spiritual Journey

I am a Post-Christian Universalist. WTF? I know, could I be more cryptic?

I am no longer a traditional Christian. I cannot be associated with a religion that hates gays, is fused with politics, and most of all, endorses the myth of hell.

The core of my beliefs still come from the Biblical Gospels, and specifically the sayings and acts of Jesus. 

I am an universalist in that I believe we all share the same afterlife. We are all born the same, and we all die the same. We share life, death, and afterlife together. I believe the Bible teaches this also.

I am not a cultist, or a false prophet. I have truly realized the Good News. I'm like the person that found the pearl in the field and will sell all for it… Heaven starts just have to embrace it!- Jesus (Mars paraphrased)

Hell is a myth! Now that is amazing, fantastic, wonderful, cosmic, super duper, good news!!

So... We all go to Heaven? -Yep.

Even Hitler? -Yep.

CRAZY!! -I know!

<Of course this is the simplified version>


I want to spread the good news that we are all spiritual. Religions have had the monopoly on spirituality- excluding the rest of us.

I do not want to convert anyone. I want people to realize that they are spiritual right where they are, right now, regardless of what they believe…

Hope! If all seems lost, there is more. It is not about becoming subservient to a God that grants wishes. Spirituality is about connecting, serving, and giving of ourselves to others through love, inspiration, motivation, and art/creativity.


I have two channels that I'm going to release philosophies and opinions through.:

Sacredism, "A religionless commonsense spirituality for everyone"

* & a corresponding Facebook page


Sacredly Profane – my crazy story of a punk rock atheist > to a Charismatic minister > to getting kicked out of 2 churches & causing a church split > to starting a bible study in a bar > to rejecting traditional Christianity & the Church *YouTube channel in the works, & a Facebook Group: Wild Faith (& a podcast later this year!)

If you are interested in polymaths, art, absurdity, or alternative spirituality....stay tuned !

BTW, my virtual mentors are Tai Lopez, James Altucher, Tim Ferriss, Austin Kleon, and William Blake.

*not a bot... bleep bloop

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