Hello world! we salute you!

Hola mundo

Who am I?

I am @marieta88, marieta is the diminutive of Maria in spanish and the 88 is a number that I like. I live in Spain (a southern European country that 42 years ago left a period of 40 years of dictatorship). I work as a teacher in a high school. I teach economics, math and also Chinese. I studied Chinese 7 years and I have an official certificate that says I speak it quite well, but I do not consider myself bilingual at all. However, I like Chinese language and culture, and I am happy to teach it. In addition, my students love to learn Chinese.

I think the use of pseudonyms is perfectly legitimate, if they do not hide bad intentions. This is my case. So, I will not give you much more personal information about myself. I'll just tell you that lately besides @marieta88, I've also been Lisbeth. When I was younger I used to be Clara and when I was even younger, I was Titín. But when I had a really good time it was being Golan being a teenage and flying from planet to planet. Also, the few times I watch TV, I become Elliot (this usually happens on Thursdays) or in sir Tyrion.

But since I discovered the world of the cryptocurrencies, I sometimes dream that I am Sathosi Nakamoto. Someone who , by the way, also believes in anonymity on the Internet without bad intentions.

Where am I?

This is a picture of me.

I do not appear in the photo because I'm on the other side of the camera. Where, at the moment is where I would like to be in my photos of Steemit: on the other side of the camera. It is made in Tasmania. If you look at the end of the stairs there is a viewpoint to observe the blue penguins that at night return to their nests.

On the other hand, I promise to be faithful to the network, do not cut and paste my articles and do not use bots in my voting. And above all, learn a lot. But all this is, as I say, for the moment. Tomorrow, who knows? Maybe I'll even hang a selfie in a restaurant. Although I hope I won't, sincerely.

Thank you for reading

I hope you liked my post #introduceyourself and, if so, upvote the post. Although what I would most illusively do is receive some comment. If anyone is interested, my intention is to write about education, parenthood, mathematics, economics, China and the Chinese language, cryptocurrencies, novels and photography.

Greetings to all !!!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 65185.94
ETH 2630.94
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83