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RE: Get to Know Me a Little Better + My Thoughts on the Current Steemit Ecosystem

Hi there!!!

Nice to have you on board! I hope you wont get dismayed by the new system of HF20. Nonetheless, it is never too late to become active here. It is fun to be here and part of the platform. For sure you will gain more friends and communities along the way.

I suggest that you keep a watch on your RESOURCE CREDITS! Do not let it go down to almost zero. Hehehe

Again welcome and enjoy!

See ya around! 😊

Posted using Partiko Android


Thanks for the heads up :) I was getting a little frustrated with my resource credits so bought some steem and powered it up a couple days ago, now I have more freedom to post, comment and upvote! So all in all I'm very happy and thanks again for stopping by to read my post :) Many more to come!

Tell me about it! Hahahahaha i got mine dropped to 18% 3 days ago!! And I could do pretty much nothing..

Yeah it really gets frustrating because of the set restrictions of HF20. But somehow it had eliminated a few spammer. Though the good spammers were also affected..

Great that you were able to buy steem now! We fear for new users who could not afford to buy steem. They will probably get discouraged on their 1st week unless they are very dedicates and persistent to make it and stand through..

Posted using Partiko Android

Yea haha thats what worried me to about HF20, that new users were not gonna be able to be as active on the platform as they like. Most of those issues have already been resolved now though and I believe steemit has a bright future :)

I had my RC's down to 1% lol got a little too carried away :D

Hahahaha ayyyye you have that excitement kicking out.. i feel you there brother!

Now with RC around it kinda sucks a bit.. haha it kept our engagement on limited! I am not used to it for i love hopping around, messing and annoying people with their posts! 😉😄

Posted using Partiko Android

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