chess tactician introducing the strongest life moves

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Naturally, am a thinker so it has taken me quite some time to convince my mind that STEEMIT is the place to be. I was introduced to steemit by @jaraumoses a great friend whom we share almost the same zeal financially, but surprisingly for a period of 3 months I have been silent about it simply because i am a thinker.

Do not blame my silence because I am never late and out of my hard thinking, my friends have always joined me to celebrate victory just like I have joined the victors. The people who have valued my time and efforts.

All this was driving me to say Hello STEEMIANs and here we are, but before we continue as a fresh steemian allow me take you through a recap of how my life has been trending over the years such that you get to know who exactly I am and my full potential.
Thank you for your time and kindly enjoy reading about the treasures in my life.
I will be indicating in brackets the skills i acquired at each level.

When I was 4-5 years, I loved speaking English and my dad was so impressed and he nick named me English man. I used to hear my sisters and brothers speak English and I used to copy them. When I was 8 years old I was asked to translate from Lusoga to English. I even did it in church for groups of people. (Speaking, replicating, translating, analyzing)

When I was very young 5-6 years, I loved praying for the meal and every one praised me for how I used to pray. I observed how my older sister prayed and copied her. I volunteered to pray and told my parents “I want to pray.” (Initiating, observing, speaking, communicating, copying, replicating, volunteering, leading).

During primary school this motivated me to always be the one to pray in classes and up to now my family calls me their pastor. (Presenting, pastoring, speaking, leading).

I was awarded for the best performer in nursery school. I received the best grades for following instructions, completing work on time. The teacher asked me to dance for the class. (performing, following instruction, completing work, dancing, entertaining).

When I played football at 7 years old, every one praised me for my good skills and the ability to run so fast. I saw neighbors and my brothers playing football and I wanted to do it too. When I watched them the ball came to me and I kicked it and that was the beginning.

I analyzed how my brothers were kicking the ball. Then I copied them exactly and continued to compare and analyze the movements. I watched the movements on TV and tried to replicate their movements. This motivated me to become a good soccer player where I was appointed captain for primary school.

I was always on time for training, motivated my team mates to work hard and come for training. I observed and analyzed my team members and would communicate each ones responsibility. I instructed them on different plays so we could win. I captained my secondary school team as well as my A-level school team and joined the first team for the university.

I would initiate or adapt the plays when the coach or captain were not available. I initiated new plays and communicated the changes to the players. Once one of the players wouldn’t follow my instructions.So to solve the problem, I advised the coach to keep the player off the team for some time.

Then what happened the player missed the game and apologized to the team and the outcome was positive and the player began following instructions. (Running, observing, analyzing, copying, following instructions exactly, motivating, comparing, replicating, managing time, training, delegating, initiating, adapting, leading, problem-solving, envisioning outcome, team-building).

While in my A-level, I led the scouts to the district competitions, where we emerged victors. Later on for nationals where we also emerged victors and qualified to go for East African games in Nyeli, Kenya, where we finished third. (Leading, team-building, competing, analyzing, comparing, adapting, problem-solving, implementing)

I always wanted to find out how electronics are brought to life and this motivated me to read more about it. I also did Physics at A-level even when I was not so good in physics. (Analyzing, reading, researching, experimenting, comparing, evaluating, problem-solving)

When I joined University, I found students playing chess, actually some of these guy are @tesaganewton and @jaraumoses who are also steemians. I became interested in the game. I played for a month and became so good and was included to the University chess team. Later on after one year at University, I was appointed the University chess captain by the coach. I led the team to the Uganda national league for two seasons and also for East African games held in Nairobi, Kenya. (Analyzing, competing, observing, anticipating,leading, evaluating, encouraging, strategist, replicating, communicating, training, assigning, delegating, implementing)

While in my first year of study at the university, I was appointed the clerk to parliament for the University Guild. I served for one year and I was awarded to have been the most social Guild official. (Documenting, writing, typing, communicating, addressing, presenting, leading, analyzing).

I also used to solve computer problems for students in my free time and also do programming where I developed some software and also helped my friend to do graphics work. I also loved entertaining my friends by singing, teasing, joking when I find them bored. So they could call me to be with them just to make them smile. With so doing this I found out I was a mentor to many of my friends for they acknowledged me for my words of wisdom to them. (problem-solving, developing, designing, coding, entertaining, presenting, leading, mentoring, encouraging, analyzing, evaluating, motivating, programming, implementing).

Now, I strongly believe that when you look at my picture and compare it with the information i have poured down, you really feel like you have known me for quite many years. Yes keep that feeling burning. That is the true me and all these skills come me naturally.

Allow me conclude by making it clear that am now a steemian and very proud to be part of this community. I cant forget to recognize and appreciate the team that came up with the great idea of steemit, The steemit management, the person who introduced me to steemit(@jarau moses), and all steemians. I salute you all.


written by I, Tibenkana Christopher, aka Mancho Chris, IT professional, Uganda.


Welcome :)
Would be nice if you share some chess related stuff like tactics, tips and most importantly your game experiences in general.

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