Una alegría mas para mi hogar

Hola amigos quiero compartir con ustedes...unos de los bellos momentos que hemos compartido en familia...nuestro gran triunfo...que ha logrado mi esposo el patriarca de mi hogar,a pesar de las adversidades...pudo lograr unos de sus sueños...siempre lo apoyamos a seguir y no decaer ni dejarse vencer ...por que quien persevera vence...y si ha eso lo acompaña una buena dosis de amor ,apoyo y constancia todo se logra ...Felicitaciones a nuestro Ingeniero Electricista ...muchos éxitos mi amor ...este post va dedicado a tu esfuerzo...mil bendiciones

Hello friends I want to share with you ... some of the beautiful moments that we have shared as a family ... our great triumph ... that my husband has achieved the patriarch of my home, despite the adversities ... he was able to achieve of your dreams ... we always support you to follow and not to decay or be defeated ... because who perseveres wins ... and if that has accompanied a good dose of love, support and perseverance everything is achieved ... Congratulations to our Electrical Engineer ... many successes my love ... this post is dedicated to your effort ... a thousand blessings





Espero les guste fue hecho con mucho cariño

I hope you like it was done with a lot of love


Buen post tía que bueno es estudiar y tener como resultado un buen futuro ...

Excelente @Maggy!! el esfuerzo siempre trae buenas recompensas.


Buenos días @emmagll ...gracias por el apoyo....saludos

Hello @maggy7419, thankyour a lot for your blog, in order to support you i put your picture in my blog. Please feel free to check the link below and if you like my effort then kindly donot forgot to upvote and follow me too. ;). If you donot like your reference in my post then just comment under that post, i will remove it.

Buenos días, @sultanmr gracias por el apoyo...saludos

Good morning, @sultanmr thanks for the support ... regards

comment deleted. i'm removing all my spam post right now. i don't know who did it but my reputation dropped from 51 to 0 overnight!

Felicidades!! Estas super guapa con el vestido turquesa!!

Buenas tardes ,muchísimas gracias por el elogio ....y por apoyo...saludos

Good afternoon, thank you very much for the praise ... and for support ... regards

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