Hello There, I'm New Here!

in #introduceyourself6 years ago

Hello There, I'm New Here!

Hello Steemians, Hi Steemit!

Introduce me, I'm Moekri, 40yo, a graphic-design enthusiast and a father of two. I heard about Steemit from long-time friends of mine that already been here, @sentanu74, @wgustaman, and @anomt. Signed-up about two days ago and got approved yesterday, they said it's pretty fast compared to their weeks of waiting. Haa.. lucky me then!

I do my graphic design and illustration mostly at night because I haven't free from my regular day-job. My 9-5 is not related to graphic or whatsoever, it's just a completely different field of works. Haha... I'm not gonna tell you about it, but really, I kind of miss the freedom of being a full freelancer, do things I love to do while still having rewarded on it. Being not lucky enough in the competition, I've got to take option to support my fam.

Just like my friends I mentioned before, Kebumen is my hometown. It's a small district in Central Java Province, Indonesia. My formal job have made me stay in another island, but lucky me I still have chances to visit my hometown periodically. Like other friends-circle with same interest, it also became spirit to keep polishing my skill, thou I must say it got to be slided a bit to that 'hobby' area'.

Well, I'm not going to drain words for now, so that's all a short intro of me, hope you're okay with that. See you on next posts and have a great day!

Regars, Moekri

Halo Steemians, Hai Steemit!

Perkenalkan, saya Moekri, 40-an tahun, penghobby grafis design dan ayah dari dua putra. Dapat info mengenai Steemit dari @sentanu74, @wgustaman, dan @anomt, saya langsung mendaftar dan approved dalam waktu dua hari. Konon ini termasuk cepat, kata mereka. Wah, beruntung dong!

Tak seberuntung cerita saya di sekitar kegemaran saya di grafis dan illustrasi. Pekerjaan utama saya jauh dari soal itu, tapi masih punya kesempatan memoles hal yang saya suka ini di malam hari dan waktu-waktu senggang diluar hari kerja yang makin hari makin berasa memasung. Kangen juga waktu-waktu freelance, berasa nikmatnya mengerjakan sesuatu yang menarik hati sekaligus dapat reward dari situ. Tak mampu bertahan dalam kompetisi membuat saya harus memilih karir lain untuk tetap menghidupi keluarga tercinta.

It's okay. Silaturahmi dan komunikasi yang masih terjalin dengan teman-teman yang saya sebut diatas, membuat saya tetap punya dorongan atau sebut saja 'picu semangat' untuk masih mengutak-atik hal yang saat ini hanya bisa saya sebut sebagai "hobby". Biarpun pekerjaan mengharuskan saya tinggal di seberang pulau, saya sering dapat kesempatan untuk berkunjung ke kampung halaman dan masih bisa bertemu mereka. Kebumen, tempat asal saya itu, adalah kabupaten kecil di wilayah Selatan Jawa Tengah. Senang juga mendengar bahwa beberapa saudara satu kabupaten bahkan satu minat juga ada yang aktif disini, 'hai @teafp, @permanayogi, @dzulfikartns17', semoga bisa menambah teman tukar wawasan disini.

Kiranya tak terlalu panjang apa yang bisa saya ceritakan di post perkenalan ini. Sampai ketemu di post-post mendatang untuk keseruan selanjutnya.

Salam hangat, Moekri


Welcome to Steem Community @m03kr1! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@gaman/new-steemians-project-launch

Welcome to steemit world

Hi @harithavani, nice to meet you :)

Welcome to steemit family! Good luck! I am sure that you will fully enjoy your journey here:)

Thanks @petko, itu nice to meet you. Btw itu must learn more about it :)

hi moekri! it's the best thing to finally join your friends here ☺️ im sure your contributions will be of great benefit to Steemit too ☺️ enjoy!

SELAMAT DATANG! Greetings, m03kr1! I wish you a very fun journey here in this wonderful community :) Be happy

By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.

@greetersguild invite link https://discord.gg/AkzNSKx
@newbieresteemday invite link https://discord.gg/2ZcAxsU

hey @m03kr1,
Welcome to the steemit community :)

Hi @melissakellie, nice to meet you

sugeng rawuh, monggo disambi sawontenipun

Macit teklek ton

Hus ora ribut nang ngone wong liyane, rusuh baen loh koe gung :p

Edann... wong anyaran sing nemplok akun kakap2.

Matur nuwun bro

mboten wonten nopo2 je :D

Hello Moekri! Welcome to Steemit. I wish you the best in this great community ^_^

hi @m03kr1 Welcome to Steemit Community. Looking forward for your next post. See you around. You can also join in STEEMSCHOOLS discord here https://discord.gg/8CRS4j4 They can help you grow in this steemit community. If you still don't have a discord account. Just register first through the link I gave you. I'm glad to help you. See you there!

Thanks @hazelicious, thats a great information for me

welcome to steemit @m03kr1..

sorry baru bisa komen..hehe

selamat datang kembali broo
sante aja...yang penting happy hehehehe

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