Luck Light is now on Steemit!

Greetings Fellow Steemians,

I am Luck Light, a sovereign spirit. Steemit is now my exclusive publishing platform, I have retired from daily Facebook posts where I connected with my tribe and poured so much love and light into that platform I made the trolls sick with disgust. For 9 years I published poems, prose and daily axioms about whatever I was researching, to excite, incite and invite dialog. I also met the love of my life through a mutual facebook friend, whom I am still with after 7 years, the honeymoon never ends when true love is found.


I used Facebook as a public daily notebook, what always fascinated me was how many would view my posts in ways I could not predict with their comments, which helped me expand my ability to perceive anything in new ways. So now I am here, Steemit reminds me of many other sites who have attempted to monetize social networking, was one I participated and promoted many years ago, I did not make any money but learned alot and had alot of fun meeting new people, but Steemit will succeed where they failed, why? Blockchain, Steemit generates value via blockchain in addition to free internal exchange and speculation. These factors I feel have the potential for Steemit to succeed where others have failed. If it is fun, they will Steemit!

I am skilled in avoiding the traps of the modern world, if you have been researching sovereignty or spirituality I can provide counsel. In 2013 I thought I was fairly unique in combing light worker focus with sovereign standing might but then I found a show called "the creative imagination show" at and they were all sovereign light warriors, I even called into a couple of their shows because they had asked on a previous show for people to share any time travel stories they might have as it was a metaphysical as well as new world progression platform and I have time travel experience, the show was live broadcasted to over 200K listeners and millions more listened to the recording. Have a listen starting at 8:34 of part three for my story.


So I am very honored to become a part of this community, I will bring all my creative power to this site and use and acquire more Steem as the years go by, I am not here to pump and dump, I can bring true value here and now, unlike Facebook I can be rewarded for my contributions and the value I bring to this community. I see endless potential here and I will bring it!

I will be vesting in Steem for the long term, I will be promoting it and utilizing its apps and services. I feel if we stay focused on content and respect others this can grow into something extraordinary, that no government can shut down and no miner conglomerates can centralize. No need to flag others post to prevent them from making Steem or using bots to like posts that are trending, I just want a place to share and receive the gifts of knowledge and news from this community and share some awesome photos taken around town from beautiful Pacifica, California.


Tis not what Steem can pay us, tis what we all bring to Steem!

This is the onely account for Luck Light, I will get verified soon.

I am a quatum metaphysicist specializing in theory of nothing.

Ask the right question, before receiving the right answer.

Find the right problem and the solution presents instantly.

Steemit and they will have fun. Snapback @lucklight and follow here to not miss anything.

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Photos courtesy of Sati Light


Saluton @lucklight kaj bonvenon je steemit ! Mi antaŭĝojas vidi viajn kontribuojn.
Estu lumo ĉe vi !

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