!Hello Steemit people! This is my presentation. !Lucho21! Bassist, guitar player and Venezuelan cuatro player. Lover of the food and my country

What up Steemians! ¿How are you? My name is Luis Pérez, but here you will know me like Lucho 21. I am a 21 years old young Venezuelan. I live in the Miranda State, in a little town called Cúa with my parents and my little cat, Nina Pérez. I have dedicated big part of my life to the music since that I have 13 year, and will be that what I´ll share with you during my stay in Steemit. I love the musical instruments with low register, of them that resound all the room, of those that give body to the songs. For that reason, I have dedicated to learn the musical instrument more beautiful that I have known: The electric bass guitar.


Since I was a boy, I have felt a strong inclination for that musical instrument, in spite of could not understand him very good. I could say that one of the principal reason that made me choose him is for his sound, which apparently I found it little notorious, which made me thought that if I play badly wrong during a concert, people would not notice it.

Because of my economy, and to the little seriousness that my parents give to the subject, they achieved find me at the 13 year old an acoustic guitar with four strings (The others two was released of the guitar). The idea for them was that I imagine that the guitar was an electric bass guitar, and I have to say that was very optimum.

With my best friend (He is a guitar player) we play different songs of rock stile, unveiling us every night, learning more every day. My best friend had a minimum knowledge in music, which allowed us with the pass of the time. In spite of have not an electric bass guitar, the similarity that exist between the electric bass guitar and the guitar allowed me go inside en some points that would very important in the future, like for example, the technique of the hands, and is that in spite of the electric bass guitar is more bid than the guitar, this allowed that my fingers adapt to the frets (The place where we must place our fingers) having a notion of the effort that we must be with the hands. The location of the notes was too another point to my favor, because the first four string of the guitar are equivalents to the four string of the electric bass guitar, in what refers to his notes distribution, for example, both the first fret of the electric bass guitar (Of four strings) and the guitar, when being stepped on, generate in both cases, the note FA.


Finally, to my 15 years, I achieved get my electric bass guitar, which you can see in the picture. Would be to the 2013 when I would buy it. I remember that his Price was of 1200 Bolivars (Name of the Venezuelan coin) and for that moment, I only had the money that dad give me every day that I go to the secondary.

The quantity the he give me to the moment was 30 Bolivars per day, which allowed me page the transport, the breakfast and another things. I had no another source of income, reason for why I decided that this 30 Bolivars would allowed me buy the electric bass guitar. Was not easy, but I achieved. During all my secondary, I had the advantage of count on my grandmother house, which lived a few streets of it. My strategy was the next: Go to the grandmother´s house before that I go in to class and eat a big breakfast until cannot eat more food. Later y must go to the secondary. Finally, when I was coming out of the school, I must wait my dad to go home and in that way pay not transport. Make counts, I should made that for 40 days. I must confess that i did not be disciplined every day, because my stomach asked my food some times, however, the goal was achieved in a 80%. In three months I achieved collect 1000 Bolivars. That situation achieved touch my parents heart, who offered complete the money remaining. From that way I achieved buy my first musical instrument.

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After learn with my best friend in our houses day after day, I decided formalize my musical studies in the school of music called “José Reyna” placed in San Bernardino, an Sector from Caracas. There with my electric bass guitar tiller, Livio Arias and mi guitar tiller, William Antequera, achieved get the bases and after the extensions that I have and use to develop myself in the music.

The electric bass guitar has been the better choose that I made in my life. I love that instrument, love his sound and his contribution to the music. His presence and sonority call me, identify me and give me an exquisite swing when I play him. Know the guitar and the Venezuelan four has been complements that allow me understand his behavior and thus the way through which I can accompany this musical instruments.

At 21 year I count on with another two instruments: The guitar that you can see in the upper part of the picture. This was a gift of a good friend, maybe one of the better that someone has given me; of second is the Venezuelan four, placed in the lower part of the picture. The guitar, especially has been a very pedagogic instrument for me, because this has allow understand big part of the function of the music in general. For his part, “Cuatrico” like I call him, has been my faithful friend since that I have 10 years. I found him during a travel to a place called “El junquito”, was a economic instrument that I could buy a first look, and since then, through from him I have achieve get into the genre most important of my country: The “joropo” or plainsman music. Thanks to its size, take it everywhere: the town, my friend’s house and even sometimes to the bathroom.


Like bassist, I dedicate to learn every day about all the musicals genre that exist, being, the reggae, the jazz, the meringue, the sauce and the bossa nova being them the most preferred I must talk too about of my rocker trend, which in spite of not be my first facet today, is who I owe all my technique in the electric bass guitar, for that reason I think we should never forget where we came from. The electric bass guitar is very integral, thus, we can find him in practically every musical genre like one of the most important instrument, because this usually form part of the heart of very songs. Without him, the sound lost body and presence, in spite of that for very persons could be hard discriminate his presence.


Here I´ll dedicate to share with you my new experiences like music: My concerts, some convers, my experiences, my instruments and his curiosities. I will upload content about my pet, some aspects about my custom and the custom of my country. ! Nice to meet you Steemit community!



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en la boca del lobo!

Casi en la garganta n.n

welcome @luchoadolfo ! Nice Post ! Please upvote & keep following

Thank very much! :)

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