in #introduceyourself8 years ago

This isn't really a ghost "story". This actually happened, for real. A lot of people don't believe in ghosts and demons, but I am a firm believer for one, because they just don't leave me alone! So hang on tight, hear me out, and let's begin with my ghost encounter.

Years ago, probably back in 1997, my sister and my friend were home alone, while the parents went out gambling. This was almost an every weekend type of ordeal. We would be left to stay home, while they wasted money. And I mean, "wasted". But anyways, it was a normal night, like any other. Games, movies, food, and laughter. It was all fun and games until....

The freaking faucet turned on full speed, unexpectedly. WTF? Are you serious?! My sister and friend nearly crushed me to death when they jumped onto the couch where I was sitting when this happened. Neither one of us knew what was going on, how that happened, and who was going to go turn off the faucet. We came up with a conclusion. I would telephone a friend to come by and do it for us, and protect us while our parents were gone. (I'm not even kidding you, I called a male friend)

As the one that was most brave in the room at the moment, I ran and grabbed the phone, called my friend and he was on his way. We watched our backs, our fronts, our bottoms, and the faucet until he came. This took about nearly 20 minutes until he got to the house, mind you the sink was running non-stop. My parents are going to kill us when they see the water bill! That didn't matter at the moment, we were frozen, to the couch.

Finally, he made it. I ran downstairs, opened the door and he came rushing in, ready to KILL. Little did he know, there was nothing to KILL. You can't see the damn thing, so how would one kill something that is unseen, right? Anyways, my friend (Mike) turned the faucet off and stayed with us girls until the parents got home. Nothing else happened while he was there, thank gawwwd!

Come around 12am, my parents finally showed up, with ugly frowns on their faces to see a boy in their house. We explained the situation but they didn't care to hear it. They were non-believers. Mike left and we were grounded. AWESOME! My friend ended up staying the night with me that night because I was such a scaredy cat. Nothing else happened for the rest of the night. you believe? I have no proof that this happened, but I can solemnly swear that it did. There's no explanation that could put into words how that could have possibly happened, meaning the faucet. How does it turn on full speed by itself? Please tell me, because I would love to know! Maybe those sink got clogged and just happened to put enough force back to turn the faucet? I don't know at this point. I am at a loss of words. These ghosts like me and my family. Why? I couldn't tell you.

That wasn't the ending of my ghostly encounters though. I have many more. If you care to hear more, comment and I will be more than happy to blog some more stories.

Do You Believe In Ghosts?

  1. Yes
  2. No

You don't believe? Care to back it up?

I do, or at least I want to...

You want to believe in ghosts? I don't. But I do. You can almost say that I have ghost friends. It's scary, but kind of awesome at the same time.

It was scary but thank you

Tag Spam is using popular tags to get your post noticed that are not relevant.
Do not use #introduceyourself except for introduction posts.

Yes I learned how to properly use tags now thank you

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