An Introduction to Liberty (that sexy bitch!)

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)


Most people are Team Dem or Team Repub which means every 4-8 years expose themselves as hypocrites when they support their side doing what the other side did. Why am I joining Steemit? I want to spread the message of Liberty. Because Liberty is awesome.

libertyLOL Steemit

Tired of being misled? The image above is a razor blade with Latin "Divide and Rule". Almost everything on the 'news networks' is based on an agenda. These goals include a constant dividing of the public whether it be racial, income, religion, ethnicity or sex. A divided society is much easier to rule.

This strategy was outlined in Saul Alinsky's book, "Rules for Radicals". Consistently divide the population and inexhaustibly move from one issue to the next never settling on any one topic long enough to gain common consensus. Sound like our main stream media to you?
As an aside, there's a solid rebuke to Alinsky called Rules for Radicals Defeated: A Practical Guide for Defeating Obama/Alinsky Tactics by Jeff Hedgpeth

Who I Am

I am fiercely independent, fiscally conservative, socially moderate, tirelessly cynical of most politicians, the two-party system, government policies with 'good intentions', deficit-spending and social justice warriors.

My Principles

I seek to define the news of the day using Jason Stapleton's 5 Liberty-based Principles:

  • Peace
  • Tolerance
  • Free Markets
  • Individualism
  • Limited Government.

It doesn't matter how our politicians spin talking points on a case-by-case basis. They should be following principles, not talking points or emotion-based arguments. There are few politicians that understand this idea of Principles-based decision making. Ron Paul is one of them. If you're new to this whole Liberty idea, it's a beautiful thing.

I recommend reading Ron Paul's The Revolution: A Manifesto.

My Beliefs

  • The government and media seek to divide us because we are easier to rule (race, sex, income, religion, lifestyle). (Limited Govt)
  • Government bureaucracy creates cronyism, fraud, waste and abuse and should be limited. (Limited Govt)
  • Government officials are generally unaccountable whereas “We the People” are treated unequally under the law. (Limited Govt)
  • The deficit is one of the prevalent threats to the future of our nation. Our actions today will affect our children’s future. (Limited Govt)
  • Generally, we should be able to live life how we want, do what makes us happy and follow our own dreams as long as we don’t hurt other people or take their stuff. (Tolerance, Individualism)
  • The Federal Reserve should be audited. Its policies inflate away value from our currency and benefit banks and those closest to the money when created. (Free Markets, Limited Govt)
  • Lobbying is legal bribery and has negative effects. It destroys our politician's ability to represent us and should be exposed (Individualism)
  • Mainstream Media narratives fit an agenda. The Fourth branch of government should be exposed when crony or corrupt (Limited Govt)
  • War will be endless because peace isn't profitable. War should only be waged when threats to our liberty exist. (Peace)

To prove I'm real:

My Website
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My recent Facebook-Steemit post
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Me at my office: /

A post shared by Liberty (@libertylolblog)

You made it to the end?!?! You deserve motivation:


welcome to steemit friend...^^

Thanks! I appreciate it!

Hi I'm new hear too. I agree with a lot of you say and would be interested in following you. I will read up more on those references.

Welcome to steemit liberty. Though I think you were already here in some less official form before ;)

MUCH less official form! I'm here not just to keep everything on the 'up and up'!

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