playtime for my sons

My first video uploaded in D-tube :)

I don't know which one is better Youtube or D-tube??
Youtube the embedded code can show the video on the post but D-tube only show the link and user need to click on the link in order to view the video (not that user-friendly, I guess :))


I'm about to be a dad myself, my wife cannot wait , she wants to jump all over the jungle gyms with them :)

hahaha....that's friend....congra!!!

the one that wearing grey color t-shirt and long yellow pants :) @angry please don't angry me.....hehehehhe :)

okkkkk friend..... trying to be cool always... Hah ha ha ha problem :)

idk but ty for the post :)

good try my friend :)

thanks for your support :) you can try it also my friend

okay my friend :)

that's great my friend :)

Having massive trouble uploading to DTube my snaps always fail. Downsizing my videos to 720p got the videos to get through but the snaps even at 1280*720 are failing. Most vexing

agree...that the problem of d-tube :(

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