Hello Again, Steemit!

in #introduceyourself4 years ago (edited)


I've been inactive in Steemit for two years. And honestly, coming back feels like I am a newbie. It brings back the memories when I joined here and everything was hazy. Two years is considerably long. I was busy at work and then at school. I recently became active because the pandemic is making me a couch potato. I have leveled up my procrastinator skills day by day. With that, I decided why not get become active in blogging again.

Since I've been away, I think it's necessary to introduce myself once again.


I am Caryl Keen from Philippines. I am a fur-momma of eight dogs and two cats. My hometown is in Lanao del Norte but I am currently residing in Cebu City. My stay here in Cebu City was supposed to be short. However, pandemic happened and I couldn't afford to danger my family's health. So yes, I decided to stay here in Cebu City and look for work instead. I am now working as a Technical Documentation Specialist.


With my previous busy schedule, I have been dormant in blogging and even to the things that I love to do. Before, I shared my poetry, art, and post some of my travel. In this new journey, I hope I'll be able to do my passion and to share it here in Steemit, again.


T'was a lovely day on May--
That you approached me with a bouquet.
Blissful happiness with butterflies was spotlighted
And a crescent moon-like smile accentuated.

Flames were dancing under the moonlight of big waves;
Singing between the clashing of a hitch in full raves.
Spent the whole day with you by my side,
Feeling your strength as our arms and chest collide.

As the twilight infiltrates my room,
A masculine figure in white uniform loomed!
Injecting fluid that runs painfully through my veins,
And the mirage of you my love disappears all of a sudden.

Coming back here in Steemit brings back the fond memories together with my best friend @deeday31. We experienced almost everything in Steemit. It was Steemit who awakens our "*poetic*" side. With that, I will always be grateful to Steemit for unleashing this talent that drove us to host a poetry contest before. I even won a contest that is until now my ultimate inspiration. I couldn't believe that someone acknowledges my poem.

I am looking forward to the great things Steemit has to offer. It has awakened something from me and I hope it will do the same to you as well.


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