
Wow people actually do read blogs on steemit. Music was a hard call. Even though I loved it I realized I was still starting at the bottom. My dream of becoming a big-time music producer seemed a little far fetched. I couldn't figure out a good plan on how to start making a living from music immediately and work my way up. Photography seemed very accessible. It turned out to me even better than I imagined. It didn't take long at all to start making good money and I got to work with a lot of cool people and make art. It also let me travel and work from home.

For your second question, I was a little vague on purpose, but I'll tell you. I had the longest most vivid dream ever. I can still just about relive it if I bring it to mind. In the dream I felt Gods presence to strongly, and when I woke up I still felt it. I was in some sort of altered state. I immediately went to one of my pastors because I had no idea what was going on with me. I had never had an encounter like this before, and it was still going on. The dream was incredibly long and detailed and a month later I was still unpacking it, but the gist is this. I had been completely disinterest in church and felt like it was all just a game and not really meaningful. In the dream I left that church where they were playing games and walked down a long hall where I could hear a different church meeting going on and by just the sound of it I could tell it was a powerful meeting where God was moving. I thought that I was too late to the party and that I should join, but I was compelled to go in. I went to one of the back rows and took a place. God's power hit me three times and tossed me around. People around me didn't understand what was going on with me. I thought it was weird that they were unfamiliar with God's power because they had been there longer than me. Then after falling to the ground, I was dragged by an invisible force to the front row. I got up and took a place among the leaders. I felt extremely out of place and that I did not deserve to be there. That's all I want to share about that for now, it is deeply personal. This perfectly represented what happened over the next few years. I had a radical turn around and everyone said I was a different person. Soon I was part of Church leadership and was asked to be in the front row and lead various things.
How did I know specifically what the first step was? It's very hard to describe. I just knew.

You wrote you did a long internship; how did you know it was a 'good' internship program?

And wow, dreams do come true then. Just some are more vivid and meaningful than others; ey?

Well I believe God is always trying to speak and that sometimes we are so bad at listening that he has to speak through our dreams. But I definitely have my share of dreams that make absolutely no sense at all! I had no idea if the internship would be good. I followed the only connection that I had. A photographer had who had been part time just purchased a big studio and was ready to make a go of it. I learned a lot from his mistakes. I also learned a lot just from experience. By culling his photos I quickly developed an eye for what made one photo better than another one. I think experience is king, and it doesn't matter who you intern with as long as they give you a lot of experience. I also followed him around on a LOT of photoshoots. That was a great opportunity.

You could say he was sent to your life; but then all the people we meet are God-sent.
True, about experience.. actually doing the work is what counts!

I followed you; it'd be interesting to see more of your stories!

Also, these questions are what interest me too; feel like they are correlated..
Why did God bother making earth if he always intended for us to live in heaven? AND If God is loving and all powerful why is the world full of pain?
Maybe we can explore the "answers" together (either here on in a separate post!)

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