10 Strange Fruits You've Never Heard Of 2018

in #introduceyourself6 years ago

Here are the top 10 most exotic and strange fruits from around the world like the square watermelon and the Ackee fruit. Subscribe To ON TOP - . LEMATO Lemato is a hybrid variety of Lemon and tomato. Israeli researchers produced a genetically engineered tomato that tastes with its hint of lemon and rose aromas. Nearly 82 people have tested the experimental fruit against unmodified counterparts. It describes as perfume, rose, geranium and lemon grass. 09. BUDDHA SHAPED PEARS A farmer in China has successfully grown pears in the shape of Buddha, and they are in high demand by customers. Xianzhang Hao from China’s Hebei province grew 10,000 of these “Buddha pears” in his backyard, and now he is selling them for $8 each. “These pears are really popular because they represent good luck,” Hao told Sina China. Hao said he got the idea from an old Chinese myth about a magic fruit in the shape of Buddha. Whoever ate that rare fruit would gain immortality. 08. KIWANO Cucumis metuliferus, horned melon or kiwano, also African horned cucumber or melon, jelly melon, hedged gourd, melano, is an annual vine in the cucumber and melon family, Cucurbitaceae. Its fruit has horn-like spines, hence the name "horned melon". Ripe fruit has orange skin and lime green, jelly-like flesh with a refreshingly fruity taste, and texture similar to a passionfruit or pomegranate. metuliferus is native to Sub-Saharan Africa. It is now grown in the United States, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Chile, Australia, and New Zealand. 07.ROSE APPLE Rose Apple with its scientific name Syzygium aqueum, is an tropical, evergreen and low growing small tree. Botanically, it belongs to the Myrtaceae family and genus Syzygium. It is also called Water Apple and Bell Frfuit. The Rose Apple has different names in various languages such as French: Jambosier D’eau, Pomme D’eau; Japanese: Mizu Renbu; Spanish: Manzana De Agua, Perita Costena; Thai: Machomphu-Pa, Chom Pu Pa and Malaysia: Jambu Chili, Jambu Ayer. Water Rose Apple, Malay Rose Apple, Jambu and Java Rose Apple are the four different types of Rose Apple which are grown all over the world. 06.PINE BERRY Pineberry is based on the original strawberry hybrids that arose in cultivation in Europe, with recent selective breeding to improve the plants. It is a hybrid of Fragaria chiloensis, originating in South America, and Fragaria virginiana, originating in North America, the same parentage as the garden strawberry Fragaria × ananassa. The first commercial cultivation occurred in 2010 in the Netherlands and Belgium. 05.SQUAR WATERMELON Square watermelons are watermelons grown into the shape of a cube. This is generally intended for space efficiency in small refrigerators. The practice of growing cube watermelons is popular in Japan. However, the cube watermelons are often very expensive and therefore are sold more as an ornamental novelty. 04.ACKEE FRUIT The ackee, also known as achee, ackee apple or ayee (Blighia sapida) is a member of the Sapindaceae (soapberry family), as are the lychee and the longan. It is native to tropical West Africa in Cameroon, Gabon, São Tomé and Príncipe, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. 03.SALAK Snake fruit, more technically known as salak or salacca zalacca, is native to Indonesia but is now grown and produced around southeast Asia. The fruit grows on the salak palm tree, sprouting off the base of the palm in little clusters. In Thailand, snake fruit is widespread, popular as a to-go snack on the streets of Bangkok (during season). Venders will often handle the dirty work, peeling the spiky exterior and packing the peeled fruit into convenient baggies for sale. Thais enjoy snakefruit dipped in a mixture of sugar and salt. 02.RED BANANA Red bananas are a variety of banana with reddish-purple skin. They are smaller and plumper than the common Cavendish banana. When ripe, raw red bananas have a flesh that is cream to light pink in color. They are also softer and sweeter than the yellow Cavendish varieties, with a slight mango flavor. Many red bananas are imported from producers in East Africa, Asia, South America and the United Arab Emirates. They are a favorite in Central America but are sold throughout the world. 01.THE BUDDHA HAND Also known as the Fingered Citron, the Buddha's Hand is one of the oldest citrus fruits. Sometimes described as a “lemon with fingers,” this strange citrus is treasured for its sweet floral fragrance and mild zest. Inside the fruit there is little to no flesh or juice — it's all rind and pith


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