
Hey Kate, nice song! I like your reply with music.
"The only boy who could ever teach me". Now everybody has trust in me. Step one for taking over the world.

Relationships are build on communication, together you can accomplish everything.

The best relationship book I've ever read is "Seven levels of Intimacy", it also focuses on communication to a great extent. have you read that one?

I did not read this one. I googled it. I seems like a holy Bible.
Is it realistic to practice?

Yes, well I think so. If you send me a PM in steemchat I can send you a link for you to download it from my cloud. it's very good.

I don't know how to send a PM haha

ha ha, I was the same! You need to register an account with steem chat (select it form the drop down menu in the top right. As with steem the registration might take a while. But afterwards people can search you by your steemit username, there's chat forums on there but you can PM people too)

I don't live in Cameroon anymore. I live in the Netherlands.
Cameroon is a really nice African Country! The nature is incredible.

I've only been to Gabon and Madagascar in Africa...well, I did spend 30 minutes on the tarmac in the plane in Cameroon on the way to Gabon but I don't think that counts, he he. I'd like to visit some of the Baka in Cameroon some time.

Yeah it counts. I give it a "Go".
What did you do in Gabon and Madagascar, vacation?
I also want to go back to Cameroon one day. To see more.
Some places are not save, because Boko Haram is operating there.

In Madagascar I did a Tropical Biology field course and a work experience with an NGO working with bat conservation. In Gabon I did a masters project about non-timber forest products used by the Baka forest peoples in the north of the country, so actually I was very close to the Cameroon border there.

Sounds interesting! I like the project idea about non-timber forest products. I undsterstand you want to go to the Baka people!

Yes, and in Cameroon I'm aware of a few NGOs working with them that seem to have a cool ethos.

Ethos is a Greek word meaning "character" that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, nation, or ideology (wikipedia).

Do you mean they have a good spirit?

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