How to be a woman in IT?

I lost my job- good reason for change something in my life. I'm young woman living in Poland, I want to learn, so what stands on my way to succes?

The last 3 years of my life I spent working as a Quality Inspector. Different industries, different factories. As I am woman, clinging to everything I have in my blood ;) so why not to try Software Testing?

Having a lot of (defenitely too much) free time, I started to read about Software Testing. Read a lot. Books, Facebook, Internet Forums. I learn about testing, but not only. I also learn the basics of python and SQL. I try to find as many common elements between being a Quality Inspector and Software Tester as I can. Finally, both of professions are associated with Quality Assurance.

Encouraged by people in IT, I started to send my CV to companies in search of work as a junior tester. And what? Nothing... It turned out that is not so easy to get started in IT... It's cool I know the basics of python, SQL. It's good I have an ISTQB Certification. Work in Quality Control can be also useful to me. Only my experience in software testing is too little...

How to get experience in testing, when no one wants to hire you as a junior tester? Where is the best place to acquire the necessary practice? Is it really so difficult to start doing something that is your passion?

Maybe the community on steemit has some clues: how to be a woman in IT?


The man who in view of gain thinks of righteousness; who in the view of danger is prepared to give up his life; and who does not forget an old agreement however far back it extends - such a man may be reckoned a complete man.

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