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RE: I'm Dashie. I teach lucid dreaming, got married in a grocery store, and live in a van with my spouse.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your wonderful intro. I like your pictures. You sound like someone I want to follow and hear more from... You mention lucid dreaming. I tried doing some lucid dreaming in high school. I'm not sure if I was actually lucid dreaming, or having a dream about lucid dreaming. It would always happen early in the morning. I would get out of bed, but realize that I was only standing up in a dream. I would float across the room, out the door (where the landscape and architecture looked different than usual) and then zip back to my body. Not sure if this counts as actual astral projection, or just dreaming about astral projection. But regardless, I had remnants of my conscious mind there when I floated across the room. This still happens these days when I know I have to get up, but can't because I feel tired. My mind gets up but my body stays asleep.


Hey Karl, If you knew you were dreaming then it was lucid dreaming. And it sounds like you knew. As far as astral projection- astral projection is a way of explaining an out of body experience (obe). Astral projecting is when your soul leaves your body and travels. No one knows if astral projecting is possible but we do know that it’s possible to have an obe. And it does sound like you had an obe. Was your obe an astral projection and did you actually leave your body? Who can say?

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