mom, wife, school bus driver & solitary witch

HELLO WORLD! For most people this is their first post. I'll admit that this is the first site I've ever written a blog on. I haven't felt so stupid in a long time, almost melted my brain lol. I've decided to keep plugging away because I have alot to say damn it! hee hee. Ive lived in New England my entire life. Been up and down the US east coast but only out of the country to Canada for my honeymoon. Some fun facts: I've owned over 150 cars since I got my license when I was 17, most of them looked like this

My husband says I'm addicted to school. I graduated high school with a CNA certificate. I went on to get a dental assistant certificate a couple years later. Next I was certified in Medical Assisting, medical billing and coding & as a nationally certified Phlebotomist. A few years after that I bought a consignment store and was the owner/operator for 4 years. Turned control of the store over to the hubbs and went to school for bus driving. Here we are three years later I'm going back to school to become a personal driving instructor. Maybe I get bored, I enjoy working with people. In the between time I've worked in many other areas from restaurants, to textiles, I was a private nanny down the road from Taylor Swifts house in Watch Hill RI (years before she lived there lol) spent some time at Foxwoods Casino, paper routes and house cleaning. Worked at a greenhouse/nursery even painted houses. Jack of all trades, master of none. I'm definitely a can doer. If I don't know how to do i'll figure it out. Several years ago I had gastric bypass surgery and lost over 100 pounds. This has enabled be to continue to be a part of my families life. My bus schedule has led me to put on a few pounds that I took off but I'm working an angle on that too but I've been coming up with excuses. RANDOM I am a random pet rescuer. Over the years we've helped raccoons, flying squirrels, turtles, dogs, cats, birds, and even an alligator named Hungry who was 5'feet long when she went to her forever home at a reptile educator. I've been a solitary witch for about 10 years. Since I stumbled on an amazing author Scott Cunningham at an eclectic little shop in New Hampshire. I do attend ceremonies and random celebrations to palaver with like mided people, but I don't really think like anyone else. I just consider myself a witch in general because of my beliefs. Witchcraft in general has more than several types just like Christianity does based on the belief systems. I Don't align myself with any one type. I seek knowledge anywhere I can find it, but I take what I want out of what I learn based on what I feel is right in my heart. Thanx for listening and feel free to shoot me any questions or comments. Blessed Be

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