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RE: Howdy! My name is Warrick FitzGerald; I'm a software developer, entrepreneur, and Cybersecurity advocate.

When you hear about predictions on steem distribution don't forget to account for whales that delegate theit SP, as their way to max income, different than other whales that do not max distribute rewards pool


Sorry man I'm a little new to all this, can you explain this in a little more detail please?

Critics against Steem claim it doesnt solve the age old problem and source of all of society's ills, wealth inequality. Data backing this invariably comes from querying the blockchain for data to determine growth trends on a % basis of Steem distribution across the Steem population. Now to be fair, i haven't done my analysis either, but if i did, i would account for the effect of Steem Power delegation such as the wildly popular sink of that, utiopia-io. My feeling on this is that wealth distribution inequality is still an issue with Steem, but that is offset with how much more of equal opportunity economics we have on Steem than other models, which still also have a wealth inequality problem, r>g, i.e capital growth > GDP

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