Oreo The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppy

Hello, my name is Oreo and I’m a Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy. I was born on the 22nd of November 2017 and I came to live with my new family last week when I was seven weeks old. Currently I am still very small but my mommy tells me that when I grow up I can weigh up to 17 kilograms and even be as tall as 41 centimeters’. She said she looked that up on Wikipedia.com.

That sounds exciting as at least then my new older sister won’t be able to pick me up and carry me all over the place anymore. I hear Mommy and Daddy telling her that she is scaring me and that she must put me down, but that one never listens. I do love her you know, it’s just that she can be quite demanding.

I much prefer spending time with my older brother as he doesn’t try and pick me up all the time and plays gently with me. He also lets me lie on the bed while he watches something called You Tube. He likes to give me food and play with me and I heard him telling mommy that he refers to looking after me as puppysitting.

I don’t do much with my time at the moment, because I am still very small and sleep a lot. My teeth are also very itchy all the time so when I’m not sleeping I like to chew on anything that I can find. According to Mommy I am not allowed to chew everything I like though and she keeps taking what looks like shoes away from me. My new family also doesn’t like it when I bite their fingers too hard and keep saying “Ow” loudly and then I try to bite a little softer. My other brothers and sisters didn’t mind it when I bit them, they just bit me back. Oh well, I wonder where they ended up? I still miss them at night so I wake up my mommy or daddy and they pick me up and give me a cuddle. Sometimes I nibble at their hair or ears to wake them up so that they will play with me. They don’t like it when I do this, especially if it’s still too early in the morning.

I also have another older sister called Miss Peppa. She is a Labrador and hasn’t quite got used to me yet. Every now and then she wants to play a little with me and then I get a bit scared as she is much bigger than me and I’m worried she hurts me or something. Maybe when I’m a bit bigger we can play more with each other. She’s also much older than me and isn’t used to having puppies around. She’s been very patient with me though, which is a relief. Like I said have you seen how big she is compared to me.

Anyway, I need to go now as we need to go fetch my older brother from school. Mommy says I’m still too small to stay outside on my own and I will have to drive with. I am very excited about having my brother at home again.

Be sure to check in again soon. Mommy says she is going to explain more about my behavior and I’m sure she probably knows more about it than I do.

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Welcome to steemit Oreo! Lovely story of a gorgeous puppy @jusipassetti, enjoy her!

Thank you. We are already 😀

Hi and welcome to steemit oreo. This was a nice story. If you follow me i will follow you back.

Hahaha. Will do thank you for stopping by. Yours faithfully newbie in need of support. Can't stop laughing.

Oh shit! Is that how you end up on top of the likes. Please follow me too. I like your comment. I follow you now :)

Why you not upvoting me??? I upvote you :p

Well done. Very sweet little story from Oreo's perspective :)

Oreo is adorable!! Once we're married and settled in our new house we would love get a puppy too.

We have been looking into a breed we can both agree on and I think we just found it!!

I would love to heard more stories of Oreo and his pupventures!

Glad to hear. Needs a firm hand though. He's also starting puppy socialization classes soon.

Awww! this is shoooo cuuuute! X3 Oreoooo. I really like how you wrote this @jusipassetti, it's fun to read. :3

Thank you so much. He's so entertaining so a good subject to write about.

Cuttie Orio :) i so love on how you introduce yourself. Be a good boy ok?

Hopefully he will, although all puppies test their limits in the beginning.

Cute overload... can't take it no m-mo!

Our first puppy all of 35 years ago, guess what a Staffie your children really are going to have loads of fun with Oreo.

Fiercely protective and loving @jusipassetti

Thank you @joanstewart, we are all really enjoying him and look forward to many years with him.

Aww so cute puppy, wonder how he will look when grows up...


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