Perkenalan Pertama saya di Steemit (My First Introduction to Steemit)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


Hello @steemit perkenalkan nama saya Jhon Hendrik Batubara saya lahir di kota bogor keturunan dari suku batak bermarga Batubara, pekerjaan saya harian lepas di bidang Survey dan Pemetaan, saat ini saya tinggal dibogor, kota dimana saya dilahirkan.

Saya kenal @steemit dari teman saya @dianrusdiana tentunya abang @alhasan yang selalu menjadi pembimbing kita, nama akun saya @josiebara dimana nama tersebut saya ambil dari nama depannya anak pertama saya, pada tanggal 28 November 2017 disetujuinya akun saya oleh @steemit.


Semoga di steemit ini saya bisa menulis beberapa artikel yang bisa disukai oleh teman-teman steemit dan mungkin nanti saya akan bercerita mengenai perjalanan pekerjaan yang sedang saya jalani.

sahabat @steemit mungkin sampai disini dulu perkenalan saya, dngan harapan saya bisa memahami dunia @steemit ini.

Beberapa dokumentasi mengenai pekerjaan saya di Pulau Kabaena - Sulawesi Tenggara.

Some documentation about my work on Kabaena Island - Southeast Sulawesi.




Salam hangat dari kota Bogor - Indonesia

Hello @steemit introduce my name Jhon Hendrik Batubara I was born in the city of Bogor descendants of Batak Batak ethnicity, my work daily freelance in the field of Survey and Mapping, currently I live dibogor, the city where I was born.

I know @steemit from my friend @dianrusdiana surely my @alhasan brother is always our guide, my account name is @josiebara where the name I took from first name of my first child, on 28 November 2017 my account was approved by @steemit.

Hopefully in this steemit I can write some articles that can be liked by friends steemit and maybe later I will tell you about the journey of work that I'm living.

friend @steemit maybe up here first my introduction, with hope I can understand the world thia @steemit.

Warm greetings from Bogor city - Indonesia


Selamat bergabung bang @josiebara. Cepet banget om @alhasan promonya😊👍. Salam #satujiwa

Trmksh mang @coinfarmer..hehehe ya yg buat prof dian rusdiana

Welcome to Steem @josiebara I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Hello and welcome to steemit.
I'm still finding my feet here, even though I joined earlier this year I haven't really posted and participated until recently.

One thing I have found is that it is difficult to get followers and therefore have your posts seen and upvoted. If I may reccommend something to you it's steemfollower. basically it's just a much smaller subcommunity where you can find followers and we all upvote within that community.

It doesn't cost anything and participating on steemfollower has no impact on your profile here except in the normal manner of upvoting.

Feel free to check it out.

Above is my referral link should you decide to join.
(All steemfollowers receive a bonus for referrals).

Good luck in your steem voyage!

Welcome to steemit, looking forward to seeing you around @chessmasterhex.

Bravo.. selamat bergabung Bang..semoga sukses selalu..good job.

salam satujiwa

Trmksh bro @fadly79 salam satu jiwa

Trmksh @fadly79 sukses slalu utk satujiwa

selamat datang bang di steemit.
salam satu jiwa.
@alhasan memang panutan

Trmksh kang @ekavieka salam satu jiwa..mari berkreasi 😀

Sudah upvote bapak @josiebara semoga maju terus.

Selamat datang di Steemit @josiebara.
Selamat berkarya..

Terima kasih

Selamat datang dan selamat bergabung kawan...

SALAM #satujiwa

Salam kenal bang, tolong dibimbing ya dan salam #satujiwa

Welcome mas hendrik.

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