From Micronesia to Australia My Journey - Introducing myself

Hi Everyone!

My name is Josh and I’m a 14 year old islander. I found out 5 days ago about Steemit from my family. It really intrigued me and made me want to start straight away but I had school so I waited till this weekend to introduce myself. 😆

As I mentioned earlier, I’m a Micronesian islander and lived most of my life on a tiny island. I recently moved to Australia. At first, the idea of moving to the biggest island in the world sounded exciting but the thought of leaving some of my family behind discouraged me. On the way here, there was a lot going on which distracted me from what I left behind. The trip was fun and interesting because I was facing new things, like seeing snow for the first time when I transited in Japan.🗻🌨

Me and My Cousins back on my island
Me (far right) and My Cousins back on my island


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Me(top) and More Cousins!


When we got to Australia, I learned about rugby but I was too scared to play it at first probably due to my low self-confidence. I was also fearful of any kind of full contact sport. Before I came to Australia, my sports of choice were soccer and volleyball because they were less aggressive and yet competitive. ⚽🏐

I decided to give rugby a try (pun intended) when a friend asked me to join. On my first day of practice, the coach, other players, and the other parents were really nice and encouraging. This helped me overcome my fears and build my self-esteem. My confidence grew the more I played. 🏉

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Prepping before a game🏈

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At the right wing waiting for an opportunity🦅💨

Teammates and I after we won a game🏆🎉

My other interests includes pets, especially dogs, and wild animals. I love being in nature and hanging around areas with lots of trees and places to hide. Here's a picture of my puppy (that I sadly left behind).😭

I adopted the big fat one at the top, his name is Taro👶🐶

Here are some Wild Animals that Posed with me!

This echidna is such a good looking fella😚

Don’t worry, I didn’t really touch it🖐👌

This majestic water dragon was really photogenic🦎

We also took one together😁😉🙃

This was my pet for a few months. I found him indoors when it was cold and I released him when the weather became warmer. His name is Jo Flash. He grew really fast and his favorite food was snails🐌

His claws are really sharp but ticklish 😄😁😂🤣

In the past few years, I enjoyed drawing and cooking. Like most teens, I'm into music, especially country music because of the story and rhythm that it has.

Recently my interests have moved to writing, although I’m still not very good at it. I started writing, because I need an outlet for my creative imagination. English is not my mother tongue. I hope that sharing on steemit will improve my English and help me articulate the ideas that keep popping up in my head.

Thanks for reading this post. Hope it wasn't too long. I'm looking forward to being a part of this community.

Here's a video dedicated to everyone on Steemit✌



P.S. I welcome any feedback for stories, art work, or just musings from my mystical mid-teen mind! haha 😂


thanks for sharing your post.god bless you

Welcome to steemit buddy !
Happy Steeming !!

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