Hello Steemit from Colorado

Hey everyone, my name is John and I've been on Steemit for about 2 weeks trying to get a good feel for the community. I'm excited to be here and offer my knowledge to anyone who is willing or able to hear it.

I'm an IT professional specializing in Oracle PL/SQL programming, but also engrossed in the business/end user activities and trying to do my best to contribute to the user community.

I was tipped into getting into Betrobot and unfortunately got into it about two weeks before it ended so I have lived and learned from that experience. Hope to recoup my losses a bit with Steem!

My political views match up with my morals as a conservative, but I am not loyal to the two-party system as I have observed the corruption in both parties. I support President Trump and his fight against the corrupt machine!

Lastly and most importantly, I am an Orthodox Christian and give thanks to God for that.

Feel free to follow me and perhaps we can both learn something from one another.

If you wish to confirm my identity, I am on Twitter as @JohnPMills3



Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you.
I wish you the best! and hope to see you soon.

I appreciate it hien-tran! Look forward to your posts!

hello nice to meet you and happy to be part of this community.
please support #faithinhumanity
Your upvote resteem will be appreciated-https://steemit.com/landmine/@tinashe/when-life-becomes-living-hell-for-landmine-victim

Welcome to the community John! I know you have been here a couple weeks, but I know how great it feels to be welcomed by the steemit family :)

Thanks for the resteem!

Hello and welcome to steemit @johnpm75 . Greeting from India. Hope you will enjoy this platform. I am going to follow you as I want to get more updates from you. Hope you will follow me back. Have a great time.

Thanks much appreciated! Followed!

Welcome to Steem @johnpm75 I have sent you a tip

Happy to welcome you on this great platform. This is the right place to be and I look forward to your posts.
I blog on food and health-related articles. Feel free to follow me @GLOBALFOODBOOK

Thanks for the tip! I am always trying to buy organic and non-GMO for me and my family.

You are welcome. Organic and non-GMO is the key to healthy living.

Welcome on steemit @johnpm75. I find it so pleasant and adventurous to be here on steemit community. Its always wonderful to explore the freedom of being heard and also getting paid for your efforts. I hope you will enjoy it a lot more.

Much appreciated Patrick! An adventure it is!

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