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RE: My introduction post to steemit

It is great to have you here! And we will do our best to make you feel welcome and loved. I believe in your dear brother,(i have a hard time believing he's a partner to anyones crimes.😁)and so i would think you being raised by those same great parents that you're just as great! So to help you get a start, i will give you my support. I hope you stick around and become another great light in our community. And until we talk again, i send you all my best wishes and all loving happy vibrations. And i gave our brothers friend, @jimmylawson a couple tips in my reply to his post. Swing over there and give it a read if you want. Just dome badic stuff. But it may be helpful. You may not need it having your brother to guide you along here. But i have a few things to do to help our project so i will go for now. But im sure we'll talk again.🙂


Very interesting sir.thanks very much for the warm reception

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