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RE: Hello steemit community, my name is Genesis Molina, and this is my presentation.

Genesis, you are bold, stunning, very fit, talented, beautiful. Are you a model too? Love your art. Your tattoos are great. I am a designer, artist, too. You are a dream. You are a new beginning. You are very bold and daring and interesting. I wanna know your story.



Almost 35,000 Post In 10 Months From This Account!!!

@SteemFlagRewards I warned this account to stop the comment spam but they never stopped.

Please consider to UPVOTE this warning if you find my work to protect you & the platform valuable. Your support is welcome!

Redacted. This user falsely triggered the spam detection algorythms.

He needs his posting revoked. When you spam you lose it. It should detect he is spamming & set it for 1 post every hour or something.

That would be a simple fix, I agree. How do we pass these ideas up the ladder to the people who can implement these changes?

No one likes ideas from me. I get flags from speaking my mind on here. 10 accounts & only one is above 25 still because of flag abuse towards me.

EDIT 2 haven't made a comment so they are. 6 of 8 accounts that have made a comment have be flagged below 25

As it turns out this user falsely triggered the spam-detection algorythms. Please read my other posts for more details.

I think he should be fed OATMEAL until he EXPLODES!!!

Confucius Say

Flag that Oatmeal eating mother fucker!!!

Please remove this comment, this user falsely triggered the spam detection algorythms.

I warned him over & over to stop that SPAM. And yet he thought it was funny. He is lucky @BernieSanders didn't destroy his account yet.


I would like to punch that fucker in the face every time I see him post Oatmeal Joey. HeHe

Please redact this comment.

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