Hello! My name is Jeanetta Gonzaga. I am 19 years old. I live in the Philippines. I am taking up Humanities and Social Sciences. It is my first time to be here. I want to be a teacher someday. I love making stories and drawing anime. I love watching horror movies and funny movies :). That's all. I can be a friend me :). I am nice to those who are nice to me. I am just an ordinary person, not popular.


Hello welcome to steem Jeanetta


Welcome to the steemit community from me @adimulyadi from indonesia, i hope what you share and post is available in this steemit paltfrom. do not be saturated to work through every input available and get paid according to your work. welcome my return best for you friend

Welcome to steemit. Hope you enjoy the community. I've recieved and warm welcome and you should too.)

Welcome to steemit :) nice intro and warm wishes from my side

Hey! Welcome to Steemit! This community is amazing but does take some getting use to since it’s a bit different than the other social media platforms.
I joined Steemit December 30th, 2017 and have had a blast networking, learning and earning (actually made some pretty good money so far)!

I'd suggest signing up for these free applications for Steemit that gets you upvotes and followers. The first thing you need to do as a new user is to increase your STEEM POWER (SP), which increases your visibility and voting power. These were a huge help for me.

SteemFollower https://steemfollower.com/?r=8690

SteemEngine https://steemengine.net/join?r=340

Feel free to follow me @entrepreneur916, as I continue to post content to help make the Steemit community better and to help new members!

Respectfully yours,

Jacob A. Billett, M.B.A
CEO Billett Enterprises, Inc.

Glad you are here with us , I think you enjoy this platform

Hello and welcome aboard, greetings from the United States.

Hey 😀🙌 welcome to steemit! Enjoy your steemit journey

You can follow my blog @jofomaja on how to do creative marketing even here on steemit

I promise I won’t waste your time.

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