Merawat persahabatan dimeja kopi


Merawat Persahabatan dengan segelas kopi|Caring for Friendship with a cup of coffee

Aceh bukan hanya dikenal sebagai daerah penghasil kopi di dunia. Selain mengekspor, kopi Aceh juga diolah untuk kebutuhan penduduk lokal yang sangat gemar minum kopi.

Di seluruh pelosok Aceh sangat banyak warung kopi, karena bagi masyarakat Aceh minum kopi bersama teman sudah menjadi kebutuhan. Ngopi bareng bagi masyarakat Aceh dipahami sebagai ajang menjalin silaturrahmi. Lewat secangkir kopi yang diseruput disatu meja, mereka bisa berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi berbagai hal.

Bahkan masyarakat Aceh membicarakan bisnis di warung kopi. Namun yang paling penting bagi mereka adalah merawat persahabatan.

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Caring for Friendship with a cup of coffee

Aceh is not only known as a coffee producing region in the world. In addition to exporting, Aceh coffee is also processed for the needs of local residents who are very fond of drinking coffee.

In all corners of Aceh there are many coffee shops, because for the people of Aceh to drink coffee with friends has become a necessity. Ngopi together for the people of Aceh is understood as a place to establish silaturrahmi. Through a cup of coffee sipped on one table, they can interact and communicate various things.

Even the people of Aceh discuss business in the coffee shop. But the most important thing for them is to care for friendship.


Ureung Aceh cit Saket ule meunyo hana keunong kupi siuro. terimakasih @jalmeukek telah berbagi, postingan anda sangat bagus.

Meunyoe hana ureung meukat metamah saket lom @munir91

awak meukat dan weng kupi tokoh utama..hahaha

peu lim keunong racingan Bulek Benzema hahaha

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