Simulation hypothesis, spirituality and some other shit.

Hey guys, I'm Jagger Moon Paoletti. I tend to believe that the simulation hypothesis can provide answers for any single issue that we as an intellectual, free thinking species comes up with... Quantum physics? Explained by the SH. Creationism? Explained by the SH. I will go into detail on a multitude of subjects with this blog, as it's something I think about a lot and I'm quite passionate about the subject.

A little about me, I was a "normie" until I was 23 years old and prescribed Adderall (a nootropic) for the first time. I was given an IQ test and tested in the 99th percentile, but honestly most intelligent people don't give credence to the validity of IQ tests. In my opinion, EQ is much more beneficial to day to day antics. Regadless, this changed my life and I started researching a lot more topics now that I knew I was "smart."

I was an atheist from about age 12 to 26 because intelligent people are supposed to believe in science, right? However, a friend much smarter than I am convinced me to take Modafinil (another nootropic) for a few months while indoctrinating me to the concept of the simulation hypothesis. It was first made mainstream by Elon Musk (my spirit animal) but Nick Bostrom populaized the idea back in 2001. It started to make sense to me over the period of two months. Eventually, in August of 2016, I had a spiritual awakening as a result of my newfound realization that creationism may not be pseudoscience afterall. This has radically changed my life and way of thinking. I am still an intellectual at heart but becoming spiritual opened my mind to so many other realms of thought- different dimensions, expanding consciousness, radical ideologies that I haven't read about but are simply coming to me in my own mind, through the group hivemind consciousness.

It's fine if you think I'm crazy, I've been there, trust me. I plan to utilize this blog to provide substantive rationale for my claims. However, I would love to debate anyone on the subject so feel free to reach out to me through other social media if necessary. This is literally my first blog but I've always been told I'm a good writer, so stay tuned and I promise I will get much better at this.



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