Hi STEEMIT! I'm Jon. Would you like to be my friend?

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

I'm terrible when it comes to writing about myself. As such this introduction will likely be more about my contempt for the task than about me, for which I apologize – profusely.


When my wife prodded me into joining she was very vocal about all the great things I'd find here. From the wonderful assortment of people to the incredible support systems she'd managed to find herself a part of, where like minded creatives could push each other to new heights and gain the oft deficient alternate perspective. The only thing she didn't tell me was that I'd have to write this thing.

I thought, “I could just do the entire thing in third person.” My first idea is always a train wreck.
My second idea (a profanity laced log of “pivotal moments that made me who I am”) wasn't much better.

So I'm going to go with the (dreaded) old reliable bulleted list. (I did say I was terrible at this, right?)

  • Father
  • Husband
  • Photographer
  • Designer
  • Geek (largely retired)
  • Hermit

Short. I know. But these are the facts and nothing but the facts. As for my more subjective traits, I look forward to hashing those out with all of you over what will undoubtedly be long, enlightening and extremely enjoyable new friendships.

Thanx for having me.


Cigar smoker.
Husband of uber-awesome @authorofthings.
"Long, enlightening and extremely enjoyable new friendships"
We will deliver!
Thanx for joining us, @j-o-n!

No pressure though, okay?
Thank you so much for having me. I'll try to be good. :-)

And he's now on Discord in our nifty place :-) So happy!

Welcome to Steemit, Jon. Your wife is right—this place is great, esp the community. I think we all come for the money, but the community is the real win here.

What do you like to take photos of? I'm a professional photographer in Japan, so I love all photo talk.

I'm looking forward to seeing your posts.

Ooooo! I've heard of you. All good things but @authorofthings tells me I can't share what she's said. Can't wait to see your work. I did a month in Tokyo with Hello Kitty in the long-time-ago (I'm age sensitive). I miss it.

So happy your lovely wife convinced you to join us! Hope you enjoy your time here, hope to see you around the Isle of Write, and can’t wait to see some of your photography!

"Wonderful!", she says... So I shall follow you and she back to that magical place. It'll be nice to finally meet all the people that stole my wife away from me. LOL!

Not completely stolen, love. Just borrowed :-)

slowly puts wife back and sidles away

Ha ha! It's okay. I can see her on the other side of the house, hunched over her phone... Arm's reach will do. ;-)

Welcome to Steemit and a pat on the back to you for writing your intro piece against your better judgment! Nice to meet you. I know @authorofthings from the writing channels. I look forward to seeing what you bring to the platform.

Thank you Jayna! Thank you very much. :-)

After talking to my wife I had such high hopes for your comment. Where's the wanderlust? I'm in NEED of a little poetry!

A little bit of poetry just for you ;)

It's the soul
of a cigarette
drifting back to
after being sucked out by

Welcome Jon! Personally, I welcome posts that are short and sweet! always so much to read on here... Lots of room for retired geeks on Steemit. 😃

I will keep that in mind cuz I can be sooooo longwinded.
Thank you for the warm welcome.

Welcome to the darkwebs, my love! <3

What up gurrrrrl! Lemme get'cho digits!

Hi @j-o-n! Welcome to steemit. ^_^

Thank you so much. I hear I'll be seeing you around. Please forgive this cow his ice-skates. :-)

Hey @j-o-n! Nice to meet you here! Good luck to you and us! I'm more or less "new" here, too... This is my introduceyourself:


Greetings from Paraguay!

Thanx a bunch and welcome to you too, also!

Welcome to steemit community, by joining in steemit then you will add new insights and knowledge, you also can share new things that have not been known by others. Greetings know from me @teukukhaidir

Why thank you! Being helpful is one of my favorite pastimes. ;-)

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