United States: The Next Generation

As an American, I owe this piece to myself, my family, and the People.
I write this out of my respect for free speech, of knowledge, and free movement of information.
Growing up I never gave much thought to being American. Most of the rights we enjoy, I always assumed for the most part, to be "self-evident" as we often refer to them, world-wide. Rights such as freedom of speech, free press, to protest wrongdoings, and freedom from search and seizures, and personal privacy, are the most basic ideas of freedom we have. Yet, those very ideals are being broken down before our very eyes, piece by piece, little by little, through actions ordained by the Deep State, which is best described by me as the "Deep mind-State."
The Deep State describes a general conscious movement of various individuals, and corporations placed in positions of power and influence within, and without the Governmental system. This often extends by association with the UN to other government agencies and corporations abroad, along with collusion with the mainstream media, which leaves us with a melding together of the interests of the rich and powerful around the world in to events that effect our daily lives in a way which leaves the current Administration, or corporations at the time with almost zero accountability..
Since I have gotten older, and have gained more and more appreciation for the rights we take for granted on a daily basis, the rights we allow to be usurped, and replaced with permissions, I have been forced to make more and more effort to follow political events. In doing so I have become wary of my own governments actions over the past century, and sorrowful of our representation to the rest of the world. I have come to understand that time will always tell, and looking back over our history, it is riddled with efforts by those with power to sway opinion, and guide not only the American people, but the countries of the world, in a direction that was based purely on a goal of a Collective Order, or an Oligarchy of Power.
The thing that has forced me towards recognition, and later activism, is the rapid contempt that this "Deep State" has shown for our "god-given" "unalienable" rights, and the rights of the people of the world. The ability to conspire against people, and wage warfare on them for decades in the name of interventionism, has cause millions to die since 2001, and the displacement of millions of more refugees around the world. We have self perpetuated the war against "America" by Jihaddis by setting the motion forward, and refusing to allow it to stop, instilling a deep hatred for the US within the children, and families of all the civilians and fighters that have fallen thus far. The fact that we have taken a scandal within our own "democratic voting system" between two presidential candidates, and turned that into a way to demonize an entire country with #RussiaGate, with no clear narrative, or evidence, and by association attacked the free press, by forcing the Russia news organization RT news to forfeit its certifications, and register as a foriegn agent for reasons such as "creating discontent within the American people" and "claims that the Government is ran by corporations" and that the "US is in debt" while ignoring the fact that the vast majority of their stories have been true, or the fact that our own mainstream media has quickly lost the trust of the people by reporting kitty cat videos, and biased headlines, and ignored reporting real world news to the American public. I can tell you without a doubt that i didn't need RT news to promote discontent with the government, for me to recognize the facts that have occurred again and again. The ridicule of players protesting police brutality, for using their status as a platform to create change. The allowance of Google, Youtube, and Facebook to modify algorithms to change what articles WE EVEN SEE in our search results. These are all issues that we must realize to day, or be blinded by tomorrow!
I can go on and on about the public injustices which occur, from the Big Pharmaceutical industry price gouging customers for necessary medicines, and distributing dangerous drugs to men on false pretenses of "Low-Testosterone Levels" knowing the reported health risks. Placing our youth on Adderall, essentially methamphetamine, promoting the belief of vast "mental disorders", leaving our children zombified, and unable to pursue life without drugs, unable to actively focus and create change within the system that governs their drug use, etc etc etc.
The fact of the matter is that it is the responsibility of the people to stand up and protect their rights, or watch them be taken away. I do not wish to proceed violently, I wish for our new generation, the one breaking free from the monetary chains the government has placed on us, to focus their initiative on regaining control of our own voice! I no longer wish to be represented to the world by our facist government. I no longer want to be considered evil by association to a country "Corporation" I assumed I was born under the control of. I no longer wish to fund the terrorism of other peoples, or be a part of the "grand scheme" being led by those who have generations of wealth and influence to inflict on the world. I want CHANGE.
This is who I am. I want peace, and Prosperity for the ENTIRE world, not just one group, country, race, or culture, through common sense, knowledge, unity, and technological advancement
I Will be marching in the streets for my freedom, I hope to see you there too.
Upvote and Resteem if you agree. comment if you disagree.


Hello ^^You have 1 good post. You write much better than me when I'm new to blogging.
I believe you will be famous in the future on blogging. Welcome to Stemit ^^ wish you always happy and good luck!
I'm here to help people ^^

Thanks for your comment. I just write from the top of the head, it may not always come out perfect because I dont plan or structure what i write, I just let it flow. I wrote a lot on facebook but it doesnt pay for the effort anymore it takes.
I will be writing random things here and there, if you like what you see you could follow me to keep up with my writing! anyways, have a great day!

I wish I could say I didn't agree, or that your concerns are not valid, but instead I think you have laid out the concerns of many thoughtful, informed, aware Americans. You say that your new generation is "breaking free of the monetary chains" and focusing on regaining your own voice. As a member of the generation before, this gives me hope. I think younger - and all- generations must become vocal and politically active if things are going to change. And the inertia of the system is so great, it is going to take great effort. I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts.

Thank you for your comment. For a few years I focused on destroying the system, thinking it was worthless and tainted by evil intent, and easier to be done away with completely. eventually i come to realize that doing away with a century of congressional legislature, and infrastructure, would be counter productive to an extent. Its often easier to scrap a project and start fresh, rather than take a broken project and make it function properly, at the expense of time and resources. knowing this fact, and thinking of the US a large project, the building of which took place over hundreds of years, it wont be so quick and easy to build replace.
The first step in doing away with any corruption of any project, is to first isolate out, then do away with the corrupted pieces, and replace them with functioning parts. this is imperative for us to do as a nation, we must oust those who hold the interest of the rich and powerful in their hearts over the People, and our liberty. The more we awake, the more at risk these "bad actors" are of being replaced in office, or as head of some corporation, or secret agency. This is a long ongoing process, that will take continued vigilance.
we have to regain the vigilance that our ancestors held towards their government. we must adopt the mentality of the Boston Tea Party members who were at an uproar over a 0.5% tax increase. today we fork over roughly 60% of our total income to taxes, and fees, etc etc.
from there we must take a position that backs our foundational values of liberty, and morality, and base our societal goals on principles of personal privacy and freedoms, knowledge and technological advancement.
I have shifted from trying to get rid of government, to trying to overthrow the active corruption we see within it.
a government cannot be good or evil, it is nothing more or less than what its people are. we have allowed a disconnect to form between us and our system, where it is considered sovereign above us, rather than beside us. a nation state can only be sovereign because its people are.
My greatest concern actually tends to be the lack of understanding, that the United States is nothing more than a compact, similar to the United Nations. It is nothing more than agreement reached by the 50 nations together, to live by certain values collectively. People actually believe they are American, when truly they are simply citizens of their State. the citizenship given to them at their birth to the United States is "voluntary" and "implied" by acquiescence, but in no way physically related to being in the united states republic.

There truly is a great divide of information, that which is given to the public willingly, having been twisted to fit some sort of narrative, and that information that one takes it upon himself to be educated in.. searching for answers that have been hidden purposefully within the letter of the laws, and the actions of those who enforce them.

The only thing we can do is accept what has been done, for what it is, and make the necessary changes to bring about the proper course of events, to bring about the peace that we all want so bad.
factually - 90% of people asked around the world, when asked, wish nothing more than to live a free and just life. i think its well past time to bring that into fruition.

oh and lastly, but most importantly, we MUST start sending the corrupted individuals to PRISON.. letting them off with a resignation is no longer acceptable.

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