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RE: Feeling Steemy! I'm Jared from Montana! And I stayed up all night writing this =) it's morning

hi Shavon!!! thanks for the encouragement. Fun music! The garden of EDM stuff, that's nice


Please dont sell your steem that you have made! Keep it ALL in steempower! if you MUST u can take a LITTLE bit of steem but never more than 10 percent! Keep at least 90 percent or ALL in steempower if you can!

the more steempower u have the MORE you will make! I have watched people ike @thejohasfiles here go from $100,000 to $1.4 million dolars in steempower and he doesnt even post! he just comments and curates! u actualy get paid to upvite succesful posts and comment in them! ive sene COMMENTS get $100 or more! its amazing and its not too good to be true..we are all just rewarding the best more deserving individuals and even peopel who try ahrd and dont get much steem, they evetualy start rising to the top!

serously though man, I see this is froom yesterday so in six days youl be getting this Payout (and it wont be the full $360 as its about 90 perccet goes to you and 10 percent geos to "curatrs" or everyone here who upvotes it and who left the top comments!

PLEASE for the sake of your own accounT! DONT SPEND that steem! power it ALL up! and dont be afraid that it will take 14 weeks or 3 and a half months to completely get that money back out into spendable steem! u can totallly wait man1 trust me ifsome peopel act liek they NEED the money that they CANT NOT spend their that I say..if you had a winning lottery ticket, ut u had to wait 1 year to cash it out foor 1 million dollars...would you Selll it to someone for $1000 just because you "NEEDED" the money? serioulsy noone has to pay for medical procuedures up front, noone is staring in america, NOONE, and if you dont have enough foood or cant afford to eat your just being sadistic and you ENJOY not eating! beause thetres ALWAYS EBt and Food banks and even poor illegal aliens know to get free foood at a food bank to save on groceries so they can buy their cadillacs and save up all theri welfare checks!

look its all relative! and my friend he was so stupd he tried to sell all his money in altcoins!, and i ddnt let him, i straight up told him i would not help him ddetsroy his future! and he came aroound and realied i was right...and yeah i showed him how to buy crypto but i was not gonna show them how to sel it all to pay fuckin bills and lawyer ffees...

seriously wtf how can people get themselves in such a terribel finanial enslavement??

If AYONE tod me I had to pay them and tried to get me to sell my crypto I would just lie and tell them i dont have any money!

seriously our bitcoins are OUR money and not even the IRS can do SHIT to try and tax them!

You cant tax bitcoinbecause what are tey gonna ask for us to pay a tax on the "capital gains" we made from the dollar going down and bitcoinemaining teh same???

yeah just keep bitcoins and never sell for fit cash! i HATE fiat paper money and bans and REFUSE to use them! EVEn thp it would make it easy for me to accept paper money depposist to sell peope bitcoins, its notw orth it since the bak could just freeze my account if they start seeing random depposist from all over the country or fuck them!

and fuck paypal and veno, they will just TAKE your money without ANY explanation!

To the OP this was a great intro.

This is an encouraging comment for the most part and I learned from it. I just need to reply to your reference of "even poor illegal aliens know to get free foood at a food bank to save on groceries so they can buy their cadillacs and save up all theri welfare checks!". I'm sorry but this is an extremely ignorant reference.
Isnt possible that these illegal aliens that are driving nice cars might be busting there asses working 16 hour a day jobs doing work that no one else wants to do? Is it possible that welfare recepients in general are going to food banks because goverment subsidies arent enough to survive on? Is it possible that these people are on welfare because of 50 plus years of liberal policies that discourage people from creating a family by penalizing couples that get married? Is it possible that a machine, that must eat, called the prison industrial complex is incarcerating males at a higher rate than anywhere else in the world? I really get offended when I hear people talking about welfare queeens without having any idea what it is like to live under those conditions.
I am an Amercian born citizen, former US Navy Electronic Warfare officer with a top secret security clearance. My parents are from Puerto Rico and I was born and raised in the projects from Bedford Stuyvesant Brooklyn. Yes there are individuals that are gaming the system but that is the exception and not the rule. The majority of the folks from my old hood are some of the hardest working people I've known.
If I were to pick out one of their flaws it would be ignorance, specifically, institutionally imposed ignorance. The type that comes from substandard, housing, medical, schools and food. I got into crypto to change the pardigm. Ignorance is the biggest evil that can be imposed on a human being. It is a slow torturous death sentence. The worst part is that some of these victims dont even realize its happening to them.
I hope I didnt offend you or anyone else in this thread and I apoligize to the OP for hijacking your inspiring intro. Forgive me.

haha, thanks for the advice @ackza ! I won't be cashing out my steam anytime soon, it's power all the way for me baby!!! I want to be able to help all the new minnows we're going to be having over the next few years :P

You seem like such a nice guy. I love this post about helping the minnows. You give and you get. Very nice. You and Sydney and El Chan Chan have a great day!

... sentiment ""CO-N-FIRM-ED"" !!! - )))
... and so FUN ... i found this quote from YOU toDay )))

ie .... POWERED UP !!! - )))

THAT ITCH ... is a "ZAP" !!! - )))

greb'Z )

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