Hello My Steemit Family, I am Farhad Afridi a social worker, blogger & Vlogger

Today i ll introduce myself and ll let you people about to know about me,My name is farhad afridi and i am from peshawar,pakistan.When i got enrolled in a university i start thinking about poor people and to help them i searched alot how to help poors i start social work with many organisations national or international volunteerly 15391201_1234911529910106_1035809587004277309_n.jpg
Then i start delivering sessions on personality boostinf and career counseling in government schools through which i got a positive feedback from different organisations and i start managing different type of eventsi got several awards and sheilds from different commissioners and ministers15822627_1259760520758540_3931506855104823175_n.jpg
now i manage different events nation wide , after that my interest in online field got bigger nd bigger day by day i started youtube after many hurdles and obstacles i left youtube for sometime start blogging as i was new to blog i failed many times in that mean time i joined steem , in little time i met different people on steam which helped me in yooutube and blog now i at a time doing blogging , youtube and steem as well 15823476_1252701501464442_2939815338067036651_n.jpg
but my passion towards poors and social work will never decrease i m still doing career counseling and personality boosting time to time and helping poors19961453_1444122342322356_8669546926412246336_n.jpg

aim oof my life is to help others 21558767_1510293795705210_4358031593196643534_n.jpg
and i ll continue this until my last breadth15871997_1259766434091282_7021461107206930549_n.jpg


welcome to steemit..!!

thank you soo much

Welcome to SteemitWorld!!!

Nice work you do, thanks for sharing!

welcome to steemit @imfarhadafridi, best regards..
hopefully you feel at home here. 😊

thank you sure i ll feel here its my home

Welcome to the steemiverse, i love your dedication in helping those in need. We look forward to helping you navigate the world of steeming. feel free to ask any question.

sure thank you yess i ll thnks for the favour

you are great man, keep it up the good work. (Y)

thank you soo much

Welcome @imfarhadafridi to Steemit!
I will Re-Steem your posts! Just follow me and send me your Link!
Helping to grow New peoples!

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