Aloha, I'm Harrison. Excited to Join the SteemIt Community!


I’ve been described as an eccentric and quirky “Renaissance Man”, by many friends, colleagues, and entrepreneurs. Another term I like to use often to describe myself is a passionate “multipotentialite”.

Some have mentioned that I’m crazy, others say that I’m bold. I do have a knack for dropping things at any moments notice and booking a one-way ticket to some far-away location.

For example, I traveled on a round the world journey from Hawaii going westward to 15 different countries on 23 flights (15 business/first class journeys). All for the low price of $1,100 for those 23 flights. Feel free to inquire if you want to know how to do that, particularly if you are a US-based citizen.

2016 Round the World copy.png

At the core, I’m a WordPress aficionado, graphic designer, artist, surfer, travel hacker, and entrepreneur. I’m also a meteorologist by degree and a functional apparel enthusiast.

Although I’m currently based in Hawaii … I “ride the waves” wherever the journey may take me.

I look forward to writing and sharing my knowledge as well as networking and connecting with others here. Aloha all!


Aloha! Welcome to the SteemIt community!

Hoping you ride the SteemIt wave and post your adventures!
We all benefit when we share!

Have a great weekend!
Steem on,

Aloha! Welcome @hustletoparadise. Enjoy Steemit and all it has to offer. Be sure to pump it to your circles on the island and beyond! By the way, which island you stay?

I'm based out of the east side of Big Island, although Maui is where my <3 will always be.

Welcome to Steemit, Harrison!

$1,100 for 23 flights - that's the best deal I've ever heard of 😁 your world trip must have been awesome, exploring so many different cultures.
I'd love to visit Hawaii soon as well, I imagine it must be beautiful and ofcourse surfer's paradise!

Thanks for the awesome welcome :)

Yes, you must visit Hawaii ... plenty of different islands for you to choose based on what you like. I'll be posting a lot of info on my perspective of Hawaii on Steemit soon in the Travel category :P

Wow your lucky to travel all those places! Looking forward to your post. Nice pic by the way! I love surfing

Thanks for the welcome. Nice to meet another fellow artist!

Following you hope you follow me too

Welcome to steemit @hustletoparadise :)
I REALLY relate to the idea of being a "multipotentialite" and I think it's SUPER cool how you have such a diversified skillset!
I'm new to Steemit too and think you would really enjoy my introduction post!

Welcome to the return to renaissance - Steemit! Great to have you around!

Welcome to Steemit Harrison!

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