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RE: my steemit introduction: encouragement, great stories from real people, is world peace in sight?

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Hi marionjoe, Thanks for the comment.
Yes, when you use the @username it sends a message out that someone had mentioned you in their post. If you are on-line using a PC as I am, I see a small window pop out of the lower right of my screen that notifies me. If I'm off-line, I think I will miss the notification. Apparently, if you are signed up for chat (I'm not at this time), you will see the notice in your chat (kind of like an e-mail message). One of the links in my tutorial takes you to a data-miner/parser that lists all the posts that you are mentioned in.
Yes, I'm not even a minnow yet. I still see the red fish in a bowl as my status on the awards page (also linked from my tutorial). That means I'm still not mature enough to swim in the open ocean! I'm trapped in a fish-bowl.
I spent the first week after signing up studying all I could find for practically every waking hour. 2nd week I continued but started working at building my following, so hardly even slept! I'm just too excited about this platform and also a slow typist.


wow, can i sign up as your pupil. not sure what you mean by still a minnow. am i still a minnow? where is the status so that i can take a look?

LOL.... please do. I just finished uploading an addendum to my last tutorial with more stuff I learned.

Yes, at rank 45, I suppose you are still in that fishbowl too unless you bought Steem and put that into Steem Power.

"I still see the red fish in a bowl as my status on the awards page". can you post the awards page here?
i want to see if i am a red fish.

"I spent the first week after signing up studying all I could find for practically every waking hour. 2nd week I continued but started working at building my following, so hardly even slept! I'm just too excited about this platform and also a slow typist."

i will do you typing for you and you can tell me what you mean by building up a following.

Sounds great!

You must be doing a good job because you have more followers than I do! I basically just look for people that I connect with and comment on their posts. That usually sparks some interest and they might check out what I had posted. If they like my posts and want more, they follow.

I think I may have missed including the awards link... can't keep everything in my head now as its swimming with ideas and information, however I'm sure you received notices from it when you reached a milestone. Anyway, for convenience to you, here is the link:

o yes, have seen that page. they came to give me an award. i am a gold fish swimming in a blue bowl. does that mean i am a minnow?

YES! You are a minnow. I thought I was too, but I'm WAYYYY low to be a minnow.

you could be a question and answer queen. is there a way you can earn steem doing that?
because you have studied so much, it seems that you will have a following of newbies. i really like your style of teaching tutoring ..... i imagine it helps both of us if we can encourage each other like this. have you bought any other crypto besides steem?

  1. how much online time do you have
  2. do you have to earn income from steemit OR do you have income?
  3. what if we came up with a way to do the newbie buddy mentor club thing?

Oh wow! I just followed the link and you are WAY ahead of me. You must have bought vests or been given some. Lucky you!

what the heck are vests?

lol.... You didn't actually read my tutorial, did you? Vests are another method of tracking your progress. You earn vests with upvotes. It is also tied to your Steem Power somehow, but I don't know the actual details. All that math is just too much for me at this time.

o shucks, yes i did read it. all of it. it is very pleasant read. not the links though. must be my overly-stimulated brain could take everything in.

LOL... I can understand that. I just replied to your other comment and it said your account didn't exist! Must be a server issue.

Now I can't find the post to try again. I'll just respond here instead:
Thanks again for the compliment. I like to be as clear as possible. I actually made the tutorial of me selling my SBD because I couldn't find anything that answered all my questions. So I just dove in and learned as I went.

Absolutely! Teamwork makes it all so much easier.

I have not bought ANY cryptocurrencies. Everything I have in my wallet is what I earned... a whole $27... LOL. I expect that to grow faster and faster as I gain SP and followers. However I expect at some point Steemit will take away their loaned SP and I will drop again until I earn that back. In the meantime, I just keep plugging away and enjoy the ride!

does Steemit lend everyone SP when we first start = i have forgotten? i assumed that everyone had to buy steem to begin. so i bought some. i have only earned about 7 dollars. and i spend that on 'promoting'. good on you for earning 27 - my guess is that was from your tutorial - 'twas a very catchy title with great info, that is why i found it.

It seems all noobs get that. Look in your wallet and in the line where Steem Power is, look for numbers in brackets. That's the loaned amount.

I was notified about your comment even while I had logged out of! I guess as long as my browswer is on, I see the message? Had to log in to reply though.

@happyme your tutorial page is great. perhaps just keep adding to it as you go along. i did think of doing the same thing. here is one link which i found helpful also.

Thanks for the compliment. I try to do my best.
I just finished reading the post you linked to and it has lots of good answers there. Thank-you; I added the link to my notes.

@happyme may i ask you another question. it has been puzzling me for a while.

Sure! Why not? I'll try my best to answer.

on my author rewards - most of them are comments, as i have made only one post, i get messages such as below. can you tell me if am interpreting it correctly.

0.013 SBD, and 0.011 STEEM POWER for marionjoe/re-pertiqoues-re-marionjoe-re-pertiqoues-hello-steemit-i-am-derin-and-i-from-aceh-20170529t074401792z

i have earned 0.013 SBD from @pertiqoues for commenting on the post: hello-steemit-i-am-derin-and-i-from-aceh-20170529t074401792z

so then i go to the post, and it does not mention 0.013 anywhere on the converstation - just so where did the money come from? how did i earn it?

so then i go to the post, and it does not mention 0.013 anywhere on the converstation - just so where did the money come from? how did i earn it?

The earnings indicator on posts and replies only goes to 2 decimal places, so anything less than 1 cent will show as zero. When you made the reply, it likely showed nothing, but then someone else liked your reply and voted on that. When you add up all the tiny fractions of upvote cents, they show up as your pay-out after 7 days have passed.

ok, i do not fully get that, so i will take notice when i next comment on a post.

There is actually more to it than that. The numbers are only an ESTIMATE of what will be paid. When the final day comes everything is then re-calculated and the pie (the reward pool) is cut up and distributed based on the final calculation, not the estimate. I wouldn't pay too much attention to those estimates except to know very roughly what can be expected. In the end, your curation rewards are always split between SBD and Steem, so you get half to each.

i have earned 0.013 SBD from @pertiqoues for commenting on the post: hello-steemit-i-am-derin-and-i-from-aceh-20170529t074401792z

That is correct, except that technically, you didn't receive it FROM pertiqoues, but rather from commenting on the post BY pertiqoues. All money comes from the award pool that is generated daily by Steem.

Now here's the BIG question: What happens when they stop generating steem (when it reaches its cap)?

ooooooooooo spooky ...... i wonder ... i see what you mean.

how did you do that quote?

@happyme may i ask another question? i really really like the way you explain things. i would say that there is an opening for your creating a mentor/buddy pool with 10 or so members and earning steem from that somehow.

That WAS a question. LOL
Of course! You need not get permission to ask a question. Just go ahead and ask away!

I was just looking into your wallet and see several transfers to NUL. Have you been declining payment for your posts? I thought only whales did that.

that really puzzles me. when i "promote" a post. i promoted 3 or 4 today, i get a message saying that i have sent some SBD to NUL.

Oh... now I understand. When you click on the PROMOTE button, that puts the article onto a special status that is PAID for! In essence, you are paying to put that post into the limelight for others to see.

BTW, I noticed your account is over 6 months old and I read that at around 6 months they take your loaned SP away. Did you notice when that was taken? Do you get a slider bar for your voting power yet?

i joined in march, late march. so that is only two months. i remember seeing a figure in brackets. and i remember it disappearing soon after i joined.

Did someone else open the account for you earlier than March of this year? If you look at the history in your wallet, the first deposits say 6 months ago. Scroll wayyyyyy to the bottom.

oooooo spooky, i shall take a look.

by bottom post says ....

2 months ago Receive 242.141 STEEM from blocktrades

I just looked at your wallet again and you are absolutely correct! Either my eyes are playing tricks on me or my mind is! Is it possible I saw 2 months and my mind said 6 months? YIKES! I think I've been in front of the computer too long lately! That's scary!

when i upvote something, it does not cost me anthing.

  1. when i resteem somehing it does not cost me anything does it?

  2. i love upvoting. can i keep upvoting posts to my heart's content? or is there a limit? or penalty for too many upvotings?

It costs you Steem Power each time you vote. Currently, if you are at 100% voting power, you can vote 40 times per day and by tomorrow you will be at full power again. Soon (after they do the update to HardFork 19), that will drop to only 10 votes per day. It does not cost you anything from your actual money to vote or to resteem

wow, it COSTS me SP to vote? eeek!

  1. is there a record anywhere of how much it is costing me?

Soon (after they do the update to HardFork 19)

  1. what approx. date?
  2. does it cost SP to RESTEEM?

SP is just your voting INFLUENCE. I know... all these different currencies and various metrics drove me nuts at first too. Perhaps it is my fault for not clarifying that point. After all, we put money into buying SP. Perhaps I should be using the term vests. All the tutorials I've read call it Steem Power and I'm simply using their jargon. Sorry for misleading you. As I said before, vests and SP are somehow linked, but they are different. It does NOT cost you any MONEY to vote or resteam. It is ONLY your voting INFLUENCE that goes down and is replenished at 20% per day. Basically you can use 80 % every day and be back at 100% the following day. If you are way down, stop for a few days to allow it to get to 100%. Use ... darn... not sure if I leave the page to look it up if I lose all my typing... anyway, use one of the links from my tutorial to get to the db. I think it is and 1 more that show your voting power.

I really have no idea when the update will be, but it seems like it could be within the next few weeks or less.

i will have to study all that ... i found the page. yet i cannot find the VOTING influence, the percentage.

Just use and you will see the graphic (power bar) top right.

testing power bar

i have just voted on your comment. and now am

89% Voting Power
so does that mean i have USED 89%
I still Have 89%

if you are at 100% voting power

how can i find out my percentage voting power?

You are at 88.62

Don't vote any more today and you should be 100% tomorrow.

wow, thank you.

what does LESS influence actually mean?

It means that you have less voting power and will earn less money. The whales have all the power and when they vote their one vote can equal 100 or more minnow votes. If you add 1 cent, they could potentially add $10 if they use 100% of their vote power. Many use the slider to give less each vote, but vote on more posts and spread the wealth.

I just opened the entire conversation and saw that there was additional material in the post. Did you EDIT the post? Perhaps that is why I had trouble responding. We are adding things to the blockchain faster than it can keep up. Remember that it has to synchronize all data with all the servers around the world. I suppose a mentoring program would be great. I have no idea how to make that work though. I'm not a programmer, so I'm stuck with this posting system that is available here and now.

I answered the question on how to quote, but I don't see it in the chain of replys. Did you see my answer?

I answered the question on how to quote, but I don't see it in the chain of replys. Did you see my answer?

no i did not see your answer.

I suppose a mentoring program would be great. I have no idea how to make that work

somehow, making a channel within here for newbiest titled eg #newbie buddies club

If you can do that, I would be happy to join. Seems you know something I don't! I still have so much to learn and sharing is a great way to do that.

yes sharing is a great way to learn. i only have an inkling of what is possible. i only heard today about "channels", like a sub-community.

or maybe, creating another identity titled eg @newbie buddies mentor club

They frown upon having multiple accounts. Since we need a cell phone number for verification, how do we get a 2nd account except to buy one? There is a method for buying accounts but it DOES cost real money. 15 steem I think. That's more than half of what I own.

I have a favour to ask of you. Would you mind scrolling way down to the bottom (its not that far since I don't have a lot of posts) of my blog page and find the 2nd up from the bottom. It should be my video of how to self-manipulate your back. I won't get paid for any upvotes because its older than 7 days, but so many people I know have back problems and this technique could help them. Would you mind copying and pasting the link into a new post (there is no longer the option to resteem after pay-day) and promoting it to your followers? I can't believe that this video is not going viral because it really works for so many people, yet they don't share it with anyone. They just heal themselves and keep it to themselves. I believe that good things need to be shared.

Did you EDIT the post?

yes, i often edit the post.

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