One brick in the growing fifth column

Appearances can be deceiving. I may walk around in heavy boots and wear a silly badge, and you may even see me using force against someone, but you'll never see me initiating a conflict or doing anything that would be considered immoral if I were off work or if you did the same. I'm an anarchist and I phrase everything I do at work against the non-aggression principle, which frequently means choosing to be a moral human being and disobeying "orders". I've been in this line of work for over ten years, initially to keep another nazi out of it and maybe do some good by doing very little, and then steadily becoming a lot more pro-active in starting conversations that would raise eyebrows. It's sad, but people seem a lot more willing to hear out and understand the logical reasons that "authority" is bogus when delivered by someone they perceive as "authority".

I finally found my niche in a hospital environment, very few grey area dilemmas since the whole idea is de-escalation and compassion so even if I take that approach further than expected, it's easy to justify without much criticism. One of these days I'd like to start up something similar to Dale Brown's Threat Management Center. In the past decade, and the past few years especially, I've geared many dissolutioned vets with lingering statism and even some hardliners towards philosophical anarchism, voluntaryism, ancap, however you'd like to phrase it. I'm having these conversations a lot more frequently of late, and with less initial surprise on their part. Something's in the air I'd say, be it ideas spreading exponentially, the circus being more transparent, or a lot of people not wanting to go down in an insurgency when they know they'd be the bad guy. Have hope, keep approaching people, keep having conversations; there are allies everywhere whether obvious or not. Well, back to a jackboot scanner in one ear and a Larken Rose rant in the other. That never ceases to crack me up.


I think we can get along just fine, check my content: @earnest
good post.

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