Introduction, Hi here is Tony : ) // 自我介紹, 你好 我係 Tony :D // A blog in Sydney 悉尼遊記

Hi steemians : ) Getting inspired by @htliao that not being plagiarising others articles, I decided to post a english-chinese self intro again as a new start !

你好 ! 被 @htliao啟蒙 (訓話?xD) 叫我唔好再從網上轉貼人地既野之後 我決定從新由自我介紹開始 : )

I have studied in australia, Sydney for three years. Back in the old days, maybe i was not adapted to the australian culture. Also compare to Hong Kong, i think australia was a bit boring (because I am allergic to alcohol, there are lots of bar and pubs in australia . However, I would suggest people go to australia as a trip and travelling ! As the aussies are so nice and the views are so great !

我曾經係澳洲悉尼讀左幾年書, 因為屋企發生左D事所以我返左黎香港. 一開始係澳洲生活, 我真係融入唔到澳洲當地既文化 而且對比起香港既五光十色 我覺得澳洲真係悶到爆炸 (我對酒精有輕微既敏感 所以我好少會流連bar同pub 但係澳洲就係有勁多bar同pub 但係 如果只係旅遊觀光 我會非常推薦你地去 因為當地既景點係幾靚 同埋澳洲人大多數都幾好玩

Fish market is so famous as the seafood are so delicious. 1AUD for an oyster A must go spot !

悉尼魚市場係非常出名既旅遊景點 一蚊一隻生蠔 ! 但係係超越極度多人 不過唔去就唔算去過悉尼既

China town - market city with paddy market lots of chinese restauran
In fact the cina town is only a small street only

中國城 唔好亂諗野 呢個中國城係華人地黎 有好多華人食肆
同埋有個跳蚤市場 同香港女人街大同小異
其實呢個market city同整個china town既餐廳都幾貴而且好油 唔推薦大家去食

Vivid festival during late May to early June, photo from opera house
The recommanded spot for me is viewing the vivid from darling harbour
since there will host a fountain musical regularly

悉尼光影節 每年大概五月尾至六月中 係悉尼歌劇院附近 或者情人港
仲會有某D特定地點 每年唔同 都會有光影既投影
特別推薦係情人港觀賞 因為定時會有噴泉表演

Quadrangle in University Sydney, also a very famous place for tourist as it is so beautiful
Also, around October, The blossom is so beautiful and attractive

呢個quadrangle位於悉尼大學既中心位置 係一個非常出名既旅遊景點

This come to the end of my intro for now. I will do another intro for my cute little puppy as the second english-chinese blog.
Hope you like my intro and show some support : )

暫時先介紹到呢度 因為我係澳洲頭一年影左好多相之後都冇乜影過 但係我換左電話之後就冇哂個陣D相嚕 ~
下次我會介紹下我隻狗狗 希望你喜歡我既自我介紹 : )


Welcome, hope you enjoy this community, I have interesting info for this community, I hope we will be able to continue to communicate through this community, hopefully your day is fun. See how

Look at that food! Seafood is the best!

Yeah they are cheap and so delicious !!!!!!

i follow you and i upvote to you please upvote to me also @kouba01

Thank you for your support : )

Welcome !! wish you best of luck @goodv123 Now am Following You i like your blog

I am Isabella Chloe From El Monte california

I'm wrting post about Animals if you interested! D'nt Forget Follow me Thank you


Thank you for your support : )

Greetings goodv123, I hope you enjoy it here!

I have observed that people get upset or frustrated when they ask someone to follow them, and that doesn’t occur. There was a reason, following someone was reserved for someone whom you identified with, or you enjoyed their posts, things of that nature.

That kind of following is almost negligible now, since everyone wants to be followed no matter what they have to offer. I have found a sort of solution.

Now days, I follow whomever I comment upon; no matter what. I ask too, that they follow me; I will up vote them as well, if they provide decent content. If I don’t really appreciate their posts, I mute them. Problem solved. So I will follow you, please follow me.

FYI: you actually get more rewards if you up vote others posts, and comment/reply to your own postings. In other words, the more people you help, the more people help you.

I, @carltong, have all kinds of information on my blog, including faucets for free coin. Check my blogs out for that data, as this welcome greetings is just that, a sincere welcome to the greatest social platform on Planet Earth.

I would share two more things with you; first and foremost AVOID BITCOINSBRAIN! It is a HYIP site that stole about $1000 from me. It is a scam. Here is my take on HYIP’s.


I was so gullible on BitcoinsBrain, that I took all my other coins and invested them into this fund. I was still texting and sending messages a full two weeks after they quit paying me. I could not grasp that I had been ripped off.

Secondly, @jerrybanfield is perhaps the strongest Steemian on Steem today. Check his site out for a free tutorial on how to use Steem. I took it and have learned plenty.

I hope things go well for you on here and once again, WELCOME to STEEMIT!!!


PS: If you like recipes, try @nettikisses.

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