AHOY! Captain Brian here, I am 51 and starting out on this wonderful new way of sharing experience thoughts and life!

Ahoy Steemates!

Hello there everybody, just putting up this post to let you all know that since yesterday i have Steemed up 10 Bitcoins to help get this party started right !
I have been here for a little less than one month, I joined on the suggestion of a good friend and neighbor of mine @zaebars . I initially just posted things of personal interest to me to check out the possibilities and to see where this can go !! But i can say that nothing i posted particularly caught the interest of people here, but then Rome was not built in a day eh ? ; - )

this is my boat

So I have decided to change my game plan by powering up my posts with more SteemPower and by dealing with more personal posts such as my greatest passion that being sailing and life on the Ocean. I also love photography as i have been working with this since i was just 20 years old, beginning of course in the days of real film and f stops !! All gone now i would say sadly, but then photography has been opened up to the greater community through the facility of numerical process of images and so this is not a bad thing at all.

I hope also to be sharing some video posts here later as i was also a professional camera man in French TV before i left the world for the sea.

It's me a long time ago on my beloved Lambretta SX200

I have seen some great articles here on the workings of Steem which i do admit makes my head spin at times but i soon realized that despite this i got the bigger picture seeing guys like @lukewearechange or @dollarvigilante . I soon saw that the politics and ethics of this new crypto community is totally on parallel with with that of my own personal aspirations for the future of this world. So this is why i have decided to invest what little was left to me from my dear old mother on her death two years ago into Steemit!!

10 bitcoins sure is not much, but its just about all i have available right now to invest, so putting it here is my way of helping this site get to its ultimate destiny of creating a parallel and fairer economy for all Real Worlders wishing to become Steeminans and enjoy free speech and communication with whom ever they wish on whatever they want !!

your dreams should be free

All this safe in the knowledge that i am indeed rewarded for my posts, as are others who comment on my content, by a demoniacally clever payment system set up by intelligent people with the intention of helping others to make money from what they have to say and give to the wider community !! A great thing clearly no??

I am very excited i must say and i look forward to seeing the Power of Steem rise up over the world , bringing i pray a fairer world of Truth and Liberty to All that live beneath this new and blue sky of Steem !!

my boat is a pot of Gold and so is Steemit

So Happy Steeming everybody , so good to be alive right now and and share this monumental revolution which i think Steemit will be in the future workings of this planet and its inhabitants !


Yes quite !!! hehehehe !! as you can see i am but a small chip off the Old Block !! great image this, reminds me of an old joke about a parrot, but i don,t want to offend anybody here really !! ; - )

As the old sea wolf - you gotta catch a big whale=)

Well yes maybe, thing is i like whales really, so this particular sea -wolf would never dream of putting one of those on the end of a hook!!! hahahaha !! But if one were to say offer me a cool shower from his spout while passing me by, i,d be more than surprised and grateful for sure !! Long live the whales I say !!

Ahoy Captain Brian aka @gomeravibz. Welcome aboard sir.

thank you very much !! Happy to be here looking forward to a small but reasonable sundowner to celebrate this day !! ; - )

Can't think of a better way to celebrate any occasion than with a beautiful sundown @gomeravibz. Share some photos with us when you get a chance.


thank you was a nice one !! GnT , lots of ice and some thick cut slices of limon !! Wonderful sunset too !! A great day today.....and tomorrow ?? !! ; - )

Sounds awesome @gomeravibz!

I wish I could enjoy such a sunset and a drink, but I live in a city, and there isn't much of a skyline here, let alone a beautiful sunset.

I'm sure that tomorrow will be another day in heaven for you.

Enjoy it for us!

Welcome abroad Capitan , please brace yourself for hard and harsh steemsea waves . Hope you enjoy you're stay here . :D

Thank you kindly mate !! aaaaah yeah sure rough weather always ahead, but calms are worse, nothing like a bit of weather to get a good ship to where she wants to be !! Im an old hand at hard times, no worries , we,ll make it through, we have a stout ship and crew i believe, or i would not have shipped aboard i tell ya !!

Hi! Thank you for this inspiring posting and these nice pictures! Looking forward to new postings from you )

thats nice you liked my choice of photos, you cant beat the blue and the true colors of the Ocean, glad incidentally that Steem chose these same preferred colors of mine for their logo !! It is a great logo, simple, and has a nice flow for me ! I used to be in the old day,s a web designer, i approve of their design and color choice !! So i hope to see you on my posts as they go up !!

Captain on the bridge ! :) Glad to see you on Steemit

thankyou mate !! ; - ) we are all on the same ship now eh ?? the fastest on the Ocean as i see it and our guns will bring em all down who dare come downwind of us !! ; - )

Finally you showed up)
Welcome aboard, mate

yes was complicated the beginning, but thanks to you we got that ruddy chain up eh??

Welcome aboard!

Favorite places you've traveled?

And how did you get into sailing? Was it a childhood hobby before being a cameraman? Did you ever serve in the military (often see an overlap)?

Hello !! Oh no never in the Military !! I am lucky or was i should say as i am from Britain and it was a choice you made !! I did not chose the path of my ancestors who were now i think about it ,all signed to the Royal Navy !! My grandfather was chief petty officer on the HMS Hood, but was shipped off to the Prince of Wales just before she went down under the fire of the Bismark during the war !! My father was a Royal Marine and served active duty in Cyprus !! But me no, just decided to get into life to see where i wind up !! Well i too cut a long story short i sailed from La Rochelle after having lived on this classic 1948 sailing boat which i bought in 1999, one which would teach me the sea and her ways, to the point where i felt safe to go further than this beautiful town that i would recommend in France and ended up in La Gomera, a small but beautiful even exquisite island just off Tenerife in the Canaries !! Undoubtedly the most beautiful place i have ever lay eyes on. Ive been anchoring here ever since !! Very windy at times, but hey the great coffee, sun, beaches more than make up for it !!
I sailed also extensively for the beginning of my sailing career 17 years ago the coast of northern France and Brittany, the places i saw there are far to numerous and plentiful to really list right now, but i think i will start writing seriously some of my im sure you can imagine many adventures and then if you follow maybe you might pick up some names really worth visiting if you feel the need to. I had lots of photos of course of these places, but lost them all when i was in bad weather down below and i was watching a film and the ruddy boat keeled over and my ext disc drive took a dive down the planks below, and that was that sadly for the photos !! ; - (
As for why i started sailing hhmmmmmm that is still more complicated to answer here as its my past, my present in Paris at the time when i was a " successful web designer getting paid lots in a start up in the 90,s , then my future which did not know yet, but could almost imagine as this vision id say is what steered me in the night of my younger years !! Truth is i always wanted to become the person i am, but its been a long and very hard road, one which i think i will expose here perhaps ! "The Life of Brian " goes to Sea.... the true story !!

Ahoy captain! Thank you for having us onboard your ship! ;)

Always welcome onboard my ship the community of Steem are people you want to be around !! ; - )

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STEEM 0.18
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JST 0.029
BTC 62260.20
ETH 2431.98
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64