Hello Steemit You Bold, Beautiful and Sexy Beast!

in #introduceyourself5 years ago (edited)


Find me someone who doesn't like gold.

I love gold. Not just because of its monetary value. It has a unique warmth. It has an elegance and presence that can not be matched with any other substance on Earth. It is a beautiful natural metal. She's a precious one alright. But most importantly gold is a great insurance policy.

Anyway enough about gold I want to say a big hello to my new Steemit family. I have heard tons about this platform and a friend has been trying to get me on here for ages. Years in fact. I looked at Steemit way back in 2016 and was impressed by its unique blend of social media and crypto but never signed up. However, given how many clones that have popped up all over the place since then and seeing their demise while Steemit still survives I thought to myself enough of being the outsider, let's join the fun and games. I created my account immediately using the @blocktrades service as I didn't want to wait, and then powered up my Steem again using the @blocktrades service. I have to say that it was a very smooth and quick process.


So here I am. I have powered up enough Steem to make me a modest dolphin and I intend to give Steemit my best shot. Having studied much of the crypto journey that Steem has been on I now believe that Steemit has its best days yet to come. And I want to make my own contribution to this very unique and inspiring platform, and hopefully earn some decent rewards myself. I have been powering up since the start of February and now things have got even more interesting for this intriguing platform with Steemit Inc being bought out by the Tron Foundation.

This adds a whole new dimension for all of us on Steemit. I acknowledge there has been some consternation about the acquisition, as demonstrated by the recent soft fork implementation. However, it's far too early to say at this stage how things will pan out and I am of the opinion the takeover of Steemit Inc by Justin Sun will prove to be a hugely successful acquisition for both platforms. I am very optimistic. I guess I have to be now, right?


So, about me - I'm told that I'm a comparatively young man! I'm from England and I will be posting about all sorts of things. This will range from crypto developments and analysis, decentralised finance, c-commerce, the digital world, alternative lifestyles, organic farming and produce to photography and art, through to politics and much more. And I will also be publishing regular updates on gold and precious metal prices, showcasing gold stocks and exploring precious metal trends.

I won't make this introductory post too long as I know brevity is often the key to posts of this nature, so if you have passed by and given me your attention for a moment I do thank you for reading. I hope your life is going well my friend.

I also hope you'll join me in raising a glass to my new Steemit adventure.



Do you know where I can find one of these? No? Then let me help you with that.


Greetings @goldstreet, Welcome to the steemit platform!

Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here!

Welcome to Steem

Thank you kind sir, if you are in fact a sir!

Welcome to STEEM, @goldstreet!

I have recently become one for collecting Silver, thanks to the STEEM Silver Round, but I have not dabbled in gold yet.

I hope you enjoy your time on the platform.
Some other great STEEM-based apps are:

Kind regards,
~ @CADawg

Thank you @cadawg for the warm welcome. I'm delighted you have started to dabble in precious metals they are a very reliable fall back when the stock markets get into trouble. I will also check out those dapps for sure, thanks for bringing them to my attention.

Yeah I am glad, although I must admit I got a bit of stackitus from the 2019 round, and bought 2 2018 rounds and a 2017 round.

Hope you stick around & enjoy those dApps!

~ @CADawg

Good for you man on those rounds, keep collecting them. Thanks for the vote on my comment but forgive me as I'm learning does your vote on my post appear elsewhere or does it take time to show?

Oops! I didn't vote your post. Voted now!

Have a nice day,
~ @CADawg

Welcome... ok all the niceties out of the way.

You should check out the Steem Silver Gold Community You should find some people there that are just as gaga over all the shiny things :)

Hey bud thanks for your message and I will definitely check out that Steemit group for sure, thanks for bringing it to my attention, I'm always looking for people gaga about shining things, I wish we all were!

I forgot. !tip 1

Thank you kind sir for summoning a tip bot, I believe that it gave me 1 Steem - nice. I am curious as to what other tip bots might be around and how I might be able to access their services, or is it a kind of exclusive club only?

Sorry for the late reply, I have been a bit distracted with all the drama haha. No it is not exclusive. @tipu you can use for voting or tipping but it is one of the last proper bots I think, I don't use the others which you have to delegate to and will probably get a vote in return other than that there are the steem-engine tokens and the ones like beer,engagement and coffee have bots which can be summoned to share the tokens. I just like tipu it is a convenience thing.

Hey @penderis thanks for explaining all that, there is tons I have to learn! Yes tell me about drama, what a time I've picked to join this platform. Oh well onwards and upwards...hopefully!


You had me at 'bold, beautiful, sexy beast.

Wait... you weren't talking directly to me?
Fine. Whatever. Fine. No. It's fine...


Welcome! After reading your post, this seems long overdue!

Also, question: you are young compared to what exactly? 👀

And yes, you have to be right about the Tron-Steem thing. It's the only way. 😎

Do join us in Discord if you fancy that sort of thing and feel free to tag me with questions.

Have fun!
Minnow Support Project upvote purple.png
If you are familiar with DISCORD come join us there! 😍
Minnow Support Project PALnet Discord

Hi @carrieallen I think you've taken the crown for the most welcoming welcome message I've received since joining up so thank you for that. Feel free to claim those words as being directed at you, obviously had I known you before now it goes without saying the words in the title of this post are speaking about you too! Thank you also for informing me about PALnet, I have just joined so I look forward to bumping into you at some stage.

Woohoo! I just pimped your post in "Meme the News" on MSPwaves.com. Hopefully, you'll get a few more eyes on ya.

We hang out (are lonely together?) in the PalDiscord #mspwaves-audience while Aggroed tells us about weird things in the news.

There are other shows, of course! (Including my own 😉) And we have a brand new website showing all the things!

That's very kind of you thanks for doing that. Looking forward to attending a show and jumping into the chat some time, I will check the schedules. I think its @aggroed I have to thank for my post value jumping up by $1.50 just now, which might be to do with your efforts again so thank you to both of you.

Welcome to steem community Sir.🎩

Thank you @cryptopie it's great to be here!



Thank you for the welcome and I do hope that's Champagne in those glasses!

Welcome to Steem! Good to see ya in The Castle and look forward to learning more about you!

Thanks @enginewitty for all your help and support, it's much appreciated and looking forward to learning more about this very unique and amazing community as well as hanging out more with you guys.


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @carrieallen.

@helpie is a Community Witness.

Hey there well thank you very much for sharing a slice of your cake with me. It's as good as it looks I can tell you!

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