我是纹身师gogo - I am a tattoo project. Will you be a tattoo project?

The goal of tattooing was never beauty. The goal was change. From the scarified Nubian priests of 2000 B.C., to the tattooed acolytes of the Cybele cult of ancient Rome, to the moko scars of the modern Maori, humans have tattooed themselves as a way of offering up their bodies in partial sacrifice, enduring the physical pain of embellishment and emerging changed beings. Despite the ominous admonitions of Leviticus 19:28, which forbade the marking of one’s flesh, tattoos had become a rite of passage shared by millions of people in the modern age—everyone from clean-cut teenagers to hard-core drug users to suburban housewives. The act of tattooing one’s skin was a trans formative declaration of power, an announcement to the world: I am in control of my own flesh. The intoxicating feeling of control derived from physical transformation had addicted millions to flesh-altering practices . . . cosmetic surgery, body piercing, bodybuilding, and steroids . . . even bulimia and transgendering. The human spirit craves mastery over its carnal shell.

  • Dan Brown (The Lost Symbol)

这是丹布朗的《失落的秘符(The Lost Symbol)》中的一段话

“纹身从来都不是为了好看,而是为了蜕变。从公元2000年前的努比亚祭司,到古罗马Cybele cult上纹身的侍祭,再到现代毛利族的moko scar, 人类都在以纹身的方式把他们的身体作为祭品,忍受纹身的痛,以蜕变的自己重现。尽管利维坦的19:28中有这样一段警戒,即禁止在肉身上做记号,纹身在现代社会中已然成为百万人的仪式,从利落的青年,到硬派的瘾君子,再到郊区的主妇。纹身这一行为,是一种对于转变的权利宣告,是在向世界宣布:我是我肉身的主宰。这种让人沉醉的来自肉身转变的控制感使得无数人上瘾……同样的还包括整容,穿孔,塑身,增肌粉……甚至是贪食症和变性。人们渴望主宰自己的肉身。”








I love my body and every inch of skin just like you.

The controversy about the morality and desire about tattoos has never stopped. From those documented conflicts and definitions about tattoos, to those that haven't yet be documented, as well as these definitions and prejudices that may change in the future. On top of all this, what made me decide to get a permanent indelible mark on my skin?

Is it really because I want to mastery over my carnal shell?

Just as life and death are not completely relative definitions, why can the carnal shell and the soul be defined as if they are totally separate?

As if the carnal shell is not the expression of the soul. The carnal shell is a tool for the soul, isn't it?

Why not decorate it?




Maybe it was because that was a sunny day and the sun shine in that courtyard on a small island in Southeast Asia, I thought it would be great if there was a cat be with me on my arm. Or I was just trying to express that I like cats. So I got that cat tattoo from my buddy in tattoo studio.

Before I got this cat tattoo, I got a puppy tattoo on my body. Toto the border collie, she is my little companion. I love her and she loves me too. Unfortunately, that time we were separate in two different countries. I miss her so much that I want her to accompany me everywhere. So I got her tattooed on my body also by my workmate in Singapore. And this tattoo is the first step in completing an interpretation of "dogs look up to people, cats despise people, and pigs treat all alike", along with the cat tattoo.






Perhaps you might think that the reason for my tattoo is puzzling. As a tattoo artist, I have seen so many more inexplicable or even unexplained tattoo reasons.

Tattoo was a kind of art which is on the edge. Some people think that tattoo is a symbol of gangster culture. So they came to me for the gangster tattoo, which was once very popular in these crash film, that kind of dragon tattoo over the shoulder.



Some people get tattoos for the fashion trend, for being maverick. So they come to me and ask for her private custom tattoo design.





Some people have tattoos for no reason, maybe just for fun. Sometimes my client randomly chooses a tattoo design and do it without even knowing what was that. (I strongly don't recommend you to do like this).

But sometimes life surprise you, with time flowing, these tattoos also bring you a lot of coincidence and slowly starting make sense. Because you can see your tattoo everyday on your own body. The style and the elements you choose for the tattoo may really affect your character.



Some clients need to use a tattoo to cover scars.



Some people regard tattoos as a kind of commemoration (about love, affection and friendship)......






He used some daisies to commemorate the dead.

Have you ever tried tattoo?

Do you believe your reason for getting a tattoo is because you want to master over the carnal shell? It might be not, what prompt you to want a tattoo, I guess should be similar to these reasons above.

You want to get rid of the fate of being "complacent". Compare to these people which have no tattoos, you might have more chance to be intuitive self expression, people can see the color of your thoughts just from your appearance.

You want your interesting personality to be seen, and you want to release your ego by the colors on your skin, and want to be a new interpretation of fashion trends.

Or you want to use the special body art technique - tattoo, to document your stories which will fade away someday.




This is my first tattoo on the visible part of my body. It's a small robot from my childhood sketches. After some modification, I got it tattooed by Wendy when I was 16.

In my impression, I was a super obedient and rigid child, was bounded by religious, family, education and other rules without any freedom for my life or for my mind, while enjoying the benefits of staying under the doctrine of dogma protection. Just like a little robot surrounded by candy, just like the sketch.

I want people to see what was inside this shell. It was once a small robot.


后来在辗转中去到新加坡生活,便想为小机器人加上了一个充满阳光,带有新加坡风格小花花的背景。还有一句带有个人信条色彩的Carpe diem(From Quintus Horatius Flaccus)。我觉得这句话也是大部分纹身者的奥义,话语中带着自由和对生命丰富性的向往。

1 year later I started my new life in Singapore. So I added a sunshine background for the little robot, with some Singapore style flower. There is also a sentence "Carpe Diem (From Quintus Horatius Flaccus)" added. It could be my personal credo. I think this message is for most of the tattoo lovers, with all the wishes for the real freedom and abound life attitude.





I don't know much about the people's view of freedom in the world. But in China, since the Song Dynasty, Chinese have been accustomed to living under a strict moral system, and they have not been too free to express themselves. Because they can not break the hypocrisy of the rule, so a small number of rebels began self harm or exile, and brought up a twisted tattoo culture.

Today, China has even more ideological trends, and there are no longer so many moral shackles. But while facing these minority cultures as tattoo, sometimes still getting embarrassment. Problem and spiritual toxins of tattooing haven't been removed from people's mind.

And now we are seeing the development of tattoo world. It is already not anything about "low-key", but carrying a meaningful message from the wearer's life. Just to decorate the palace of the soul by patterns made with the wearer's stories.

Perhaps you will write your story in the diary, in your blog, or share it with your friends. But actually your body also can be a precious souvenir book. The body can carry your past, your present and your future, why not document these most valuable moments of your life on your body.








Before the death comes to us, before we separate from our physical body, while we still can see with our eyes, I would love to always see these things which I love to be on my skin.

I have two mandalas on my front arm. I love the tattoo because it is a graphic pattern connected with human consciousness. In the position where it can be easily seen; it is convenient for me to observe and understand these figures. It is said that this can promote the subconscious state of human beings and achieve higher ideology.

I don't want to be judged as linger secular just because I have tattoos. I always feel that my tattoos are my subconscious echo, before I got them, they were already bringing me that sense of visual phenomena. Not only these mandala which enhanced the human subconscious state of mine, but also every tattoo I decided to get before and after. These feelings of deja vu, till now they still fascinate me.



也许我真的已经携带了纹身太久,实在是清楚纹身的套路。可是现实却是如此,想纹身的人没想法,为纹而纹;做纹身的人不去想,为钱而纹。我不想让纹身文化深陷在部分纹身者对自身的无知,和纹身师创作思域的局限里。不希望纹身行业固步自封,重复在狭隘纹身风格里。 纹身本应是凝结人的时间、情感与血泪的艺术,是付出肌肤,承受痛楚,与自己相伴终生的艺术品。我希望纹身这门艺术,在世界上大范围的登上艺术的殿堂,撕下流氓的标签,改掉僵化的形态,戒掉唯利的意识。





Maybe I really have been doing tattoos for too long, that's why I always think I know what is happening in tattoo world. Some people who want to have a tattoo have no idea how tattoos are done; they worry too much about it, then they give up. Some people who make tattoos for people have no idea how they will effect the tattoo wearer, and just do it for money.

I don't want our tattoo culture become worse and worse by the ignorance from tattoo artists for not respecting the client's requirements, or by the limitations from client's for not letting tattoo artists doing great creations.
I don't want the tattoo industry become complacent and repeated in narrow tattoo style.

Tattoos consume time from both artist and client, consume a lot of emotion and some tears, and these condensates into art
Tattoos require clients to feel pain, to break the skin, and to carry the art for the rest of the life.

I hope that the art of tattoo can be on a large scale of the art hall in this world. I hope it to rip off the label of gangsters, remove the rigid form, quit the sense of profit, and become real art.

It was well said: "Young people feel they can't change the world, so they want to change their bodies."
Everyone is different, unique, and so are their tattoos. I've tattooed some 70-80 years old people who were satisfied with their life and this world. They were happy with the fact that they could have tattoos on their bodies. I've tattooed some young generation people, they are not happy with this world, but also not trying to change it anyhow.

So gogo.tattoo appeared, to document tattoos. Not just tattoo pictures, but also tattoo process and the stories in it, what also can be about client's attitude about tattoos. There are too many possibilities in it.

In our view, tattoo is the pursuit of your beauty, the commemoration of your story, the courage that you should shout out loud. It is a medal of our time, a treasure of our soul, a manifestation of ourselves.



gogo and the founder of gogo.tattoo


我身上还有太多纹身故事想要被展现,不知道可否写另一个文章在 Introduceyourself 的标签里。 :)



My stories in this world are unfinished, so as my tattoos. I am an unfinished tattoo project.

I still have too many tattoo stories haven't been shown, and I don't know if I can write another article in "introduceyourself" tag. :)

If you decide to get a tattoo, do you want gogo.tattoo to carry your tattoo story too? ;)

I'm the tattoo artist, Gogo.

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Really great detailed post, Gogo! I thought you were going to give away a Steem tattoo at the end of it! Hehehe... that would really show dedication to Steem!

I like the idea. Should do. Anyone ask for Steem tattoo i will do it for free with conditions. Steemit have my words.

Thank you! I will remember you when I am rich. hahahahaha :)

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