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RE: Hello Steemit Community: I Am VERY Shy, But I'm Ready For My Intro - My Name Is May Liberty & I'm Not Just A Nurse!

Hello fellow nurse
I suppose I'm an ex-nurse. I haven't worked since Feb. You got me with Not just a nurse. The number of times I have heard that! Usually nurses themselves say it, I'm just a nurse. Hospitals couldn't run without them and are run by them. Why do we still say it.
I look forward to hearing more from you. And it doesn't matter if you are camera shy. I think I had a carefully angled photo that showed my eyes for my verification. Write, take photos of your world or utilise an image.

Steem your way.

I used to draw on night shift if I had a quiet one. I hope you don't read this at work, I know the Q word is a curse, not to be uttered in shift.
Following 😊


Hi, Thanks for your warm reply... you were working as a nurse too. That's great.
Nice to meet you @girlbeforemirror... I will follow you too.
Yes, ​I am a bit​ shy... but now I feel so Comfortable here!

Hey @girlbeforemirror, that's cool to know, I never knew you were a nurse also. I'm curious as to why the Q word "quiet" would be a curse during shift? Please teach me. I hope you are doing well by the way

Superstitious nurses. If you say it out loud you jinx yourself and have a busy shift. One crazy old school nurse actually blamed me for a bad shift when I was a new grad. I worked psych, we are an interesting subgroup of nurses 😂

Dang lol I hear you on that one. Busy shifts help the time to pass quickly, but I am sure it is strenuous and stressful without a doubt

Very stressful sometimes

Yeah I bet!

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