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RE: Hello Everyone!

Thanks! We've actually met and you got excited when Itai told you I blog, and when you said you blog for money I raised an eyebrow, heh.

Feel free to have Itai send me the link to the FB group, though I'd rather be on Discord as I don't really use FB for much other than a single free to play game.

And I do hope the fellow Israeli bloggers are good. I wouldn't want them to ask me for my opinion and having to be frank and saying it's not good ;-)


See? Should have listened to me then! :P

I'll ask Itai to ask connect us on hangouts till I set up that discord server for the Israelis. And he'll add you to the group.

I am much like you - I say it like it is. And offer tips for improvement. So feel free to ask me anything you want about steemit. You get extra attention, as a friend of my beloved.

Well, it's not that I didn't listen, but no more details were provided :P

Also, half the fun in new systems is figuring them out, though I've created an anime bloggers' contingent on a newsboiler site and have way too much karma on reddit, so I suspect I'll manage. But yes, I'll definitely come to you when I have questions on the trick of the trade, and yes, I'll accept all tips and advice.

And then I'll game the system and rule the world!

First of all NO GAMING THE SYSTEM. We're all here for quality content. We don't "game" the system, we make use of it. Why rule the world? Sounds like a lot of work. I prefer to just rule the bits I create in it.

"Game the system" has somewhat of a less bad connotation in the more gamey circles me and @poet frequent I guess. It's more, "I'll poke the system, and see how it pokes back."

And yeah, one of the reasons I stopped participating as much on reddit and the newsboiler sites is exactly because I wanted more discussion/community and less mercantile manipulation of the systems.

I sometimes bemoan on Twitter that I am sad I no longer have place for long-form quality discussion of anime. We'll see if this site will deliver. I'll have time tomorrow to ply its depth for fellow anime lovers.

Look in the anime tag trending posts. Good place to start.

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