Morning Steemitians!    

First attempt EVER at blogging so here goes nothing.   

My name is Gaz, I’m 27 years old and I’m from the UK. I actually stumbled upon Steemit through researching Cryptocurrency news a few weeks ago (I’m thinking a few of you maybe did the same, with all the informative posts on Crypto and all) and was generally pretty blown away by the idea, the helpful posts and the fact that it’s such a small community at the moment. You know the feeling when platforms have millions upon millions of members it kinda seems as though you’ll never be heard, but with Steemit being so young I thought it’d be great to actually feel like I’m part of something from the early stages for once, so... here I am, I guess!   

So a little background on me, I started my competitive life through sports, Ive  competed in sports since 6 years old and have represented the UK through a few different sport disciplines, as a young teen I was naive enough to think that I’d just be a Professional Athlete eventually and that would be that... BIG EYE OPENER when that didn’t happen and I entered the working world at 20 as you can imagine ahah .    

So the athlete plan didn’t work out for me which was probably my first lesson in life (eggs and baskets spring to mind) but not all bad, a lot of the habits and traits which helped me succeed in sports and competition have also helped me meet targets and trade in a disciplined manner to this day. I still train regularly and try to keep my fitness to a pretty high level, training just feels like a part of who I am I guess.. no matter how many line graphs I look at!   

I grew up in a really rough town which also taught me a lot. I’ve traveled around a little, lived in a few different country’s for a few months, made some quick cash and lost it even quicker over the years before settling. Had some heartache and made a lot of friends along the way, but all in all I wouldn’t change a thing or I wouldn’t be the person I am today.   

I work in Business Development at present and started out trading basic stocks about 6 years ago whilst living abroad, then moved onto Forex about 2-3 years ago and finally the Cryptocurrency market where I’m dipping my feet at present. Unfortunately was not lucky/educated enough to benefit from the BTC or ETH wave (or even Dash for that matter) but am progressing enough to keep me happy and am accumulating wherever I can.   So, juggling targets in the office, keeping myself fit and healthy, increasing my Trade knowledge whilst reaching profits through my trades and  travelling the beautiful world we live in is pretty much where my attention lies at the moment. One of my biggest passions is teaching and helping others, whether it’s through help changing their body, knowing how to better prepare to enter the trading markets or simply being more productive with time. I also have passion for learning and bettering myself (definitely an obsession) that same passion s what lead me to Steemit.   

Short term-  Happiness, keep in a productive routine which earns me good income, manage my risk accordingly. Stay fit, healthy and keep my diet in check, trying to stay in the profit zone as much as possible and HODL’ing at every opportunity.
Long term- Achieve financial security, raise a healthy family and enjoy life. I think I can speak for more than myself when I say, I have no intention of working 40 hour weeks for the rest of my life, unfortunately it’s not quite so simple as I once thought, I still feel this is something I can achieve within the next 10 years. Just like anything though it's easier if you have support and the minds of others around you, the next part of my journey starts here.  

I’ll be posting about the things that are most important to me. My travels around the UK, Techniques I use to train and stay in shape around a 40 hour work schedule and contributing the Cryptocurrency’s I’m investing in at present to try and reach my goals, along with all the wrong/bad decisions I’ve made which helped me shape who I am today and the little life hacks I’ve learned along the way, hopefully to prevent others making the same mistakes I have. 

Lastly, I’ll be spreading the Steemit bug to as many others as I can and do my part to help the community grow, exciting times ahead!    

I didn’t want to information overload or bore anyone to death with a full life story, so that’s all I’ll put in this post, just skim the basics as they say! But I will post more information in future posts and would be delighted to start connecting with you all if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me anything.   

Thanks for your time reading today, I really appreciate it and look forward to connecting with you all.

Have a great day!   



Welcome! Looking forward to your posts!
I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

Welcome! And, congratulations! You are the winner of today's Fish Net Stalking Award. (See this post for explanation: https://steemit.com/blog/@fishyculture/introducing-fish-net-stalkings)
I have upvoted and resteemed your post, I will feature you on my blog, and I am leaving you a tip! I also will follow you so long as you keep your content quality high.
An outstanding first blog attempt! Funny how they told us we could have the dreams of our youth then the moment we are an adult it is "Stop dreaming! Get a job!" :)

Hello, Gazmeredith, I'm just here to leave a nice Hello ^^. Unfortunately i don't have much voting power, but i will be back and vote my followers. Need to grow a little ^^. Have a great time @rightuppercorner

Thank-you very much buddy, the thought is more important than the voting power haha, i appreciate your support.

wow , you seems too good with martial arts . =) followed you since i wanted to see your future blogs.

Not good enough though unfortunately Robin ahah, ah i look forward to making future blogs for you to see , thank-you for your comment. Gave you a follow :)

Hey , how are you ?
welcome to steemit. @gazmeredith
following you now. :D
follow me back pls.

Hi Gaz... Nice to meet you... Welcome to Steemit..🌹.. This is a nice intro post... I hope you will do great over here as a steemian..😊.. Follow Me @onority

yes! you rock!! welcome! following. enjoy steemit it truly is beautiful!

Welcome to steemit, Gaz! it was a very nice introduction about your self!

Thank-you very much, happy to be here!

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