Hello Steemit community!

Hello everyone! This is my introduction. I am futuremind. I am a 31 year old man with an uncertain future. I don't prefer to be identifiable by name, but by my Steemit name. Why is this the case? I feel I would be judged and ostracized. Not because of how I look, but perhaps because of what I may embark on.

A quick bio of my life is quite simple. I joined the Marine Corps at the ripe age of 18, and did quite fine for the 4 years I was enlisted. I was discharged honorably in 2008 and the rest is history. I had no idea what the world was about to dish out to me, and of course was oblivious to the monkey I had on my back (alcoholism).

I fell flat and was homeless by the age of 22. Abandoned by my family (as I see it) tough love they called it. Exacerbation at its finest. I was living on the streets for a year straight. After that period I started receiving universal base income as I call it but was in and out of jail, as well as homeless on and off again right up until present time. I've been working construction for the past year, and have had an apartment (shared living situation) the entire time.

My period of sobriety has had slips. I won't tell the lie that I'm fixed and haven't relapsed a couple times. I've gone at it multiple times, and stress brings me back to the bottle time and time again. I however have a genuine desire to harbor a clean mind filled with wisdom and intelligence, and do not consider giving up to be an option of any kind.

So my current living situation is pretty terrible. I cannot get to the grocery store when I need to, I live with people who sponge (terribly) and saying no just simply isn't an option, as it will come with future problems and unwanted drama. I also really really hate my job. I've worked many different shitty jobs in my time on this planet, but none even come close to this. Not only is it very hard labor, but my body is starting to deteriorate , and I have pains and joint problems that I don't even talk about, because simply put, I can't get to the VA to set up primary care to even make an appointment so whats the point in complaining? I just go on day in and day out starving, because when I do have money its nearly impossible for me to spend it correctly. I have to order food, I'm smoking pot to deal with the stress, and its expensive.

The details I have left out would take a novel to cover, and invariably would describe the lives of others who've not asked to have the publicity. So it will all come together over time I'm sure.

So the big question is what am I planning, and why have I come to steemit to document it?

well, I really can't live the life I'm living anymore. I've decided that its time for me to leave. I have actually decided to be homeless again. It may sound crazy, but when you are living in an impossible quicksand situation, where change is impossible , opportunity and resources are null, what other option do you have? I really don't want to do this, but I've mentally prepared for it , and I see no other way.

I've decided to document this journey here with pictures, and glimpses into my life. You just wont know who futuremind is, and thats ok, because we'll still be friends and I believe that maybe this community will help me survive the mental torture of homelessness. Knowing from experience. It's true mental torture. I wouldn't wish homelessness on anyone. Especially without a car which is how I will be doing it. I'm older than the last time I was homeless, and wiser.

I hope my introduction didn't depress anyone. I look forward to being here.


Welcome always!
Interested in your post future!

Thank you. I will be posting daily!

Welcome to Steemit @futuremind :D You got my support! my man and if you want to learn more about steemit? try checking out @steemitguide for guides and information. Have a nice day mate and good job for not giving up in life! keep it up soon everything will come your way :D

Thank you so much for the kind words. :) I will check out the guides for sure.

Most welcome bro :D

Hey @futuremind! Welcome to the community, looking forward to following your journey!

Hey jrmiller Thank you and Semper Fi.

Welcome to Steem @futuremind. Feel free to follow me @kanasite and upvote. Cheers :)

An interesting introduction! Hello and welcome to steemit! :)

Don't worry @futuremind , there's ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel!!
Welcome to Steemit. All the Best!

Thank you for the kind comment magpielover !

Best of luck with your journey! I will follow.

Welcome to steemit! Get ready to have a good time. Check out some tutorials to help get you going. have a great time!

I took my hats off to you for navigating this harsh world. I respect you a lot and I will follow you. Don worry my fren! Be happy!

Thank you. I will also follow you.

I hope this isn’t true, that it’s just a social experiment... you are a good writer. You could do just fine. Do what you need, but do you think that you can keep sober in that situation?

Thank you for complimenting my writing. Unfortunately this isn't a social experiment. I'm living with people that inhibit my ability to grow spiritually, intellectually, and economically. My past experience with homelessness exacerbates addiction. Its also a high risk situation, but I feel as though its the only way I can escape this metaphorical prison I'm trapped in. If I had the funds to appropriate to an apartment I would go that route instead, but in this case I stay trapped , or I leave.

What about going somewhere where living isn’t that expensive? To a village?

Currently I'm in NY. I am planning to travel to the west coast because outdoor living is much easier there.

That makes a lot of sense... NY is very cold and expensive

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