FULL OF HOPE IS NOW ON STEEMIT - And Now I Shall Introduce Myself!

I am full of hope! No, really, I AM full of hope

I live my life with this motto, "No Worries!"

So, check this out, yesterday, I took my practical driver's license test, of course I passed with aces. My tester was an older gentelmam, indeed a gentleman. I asked him if he was ever freaked out with riding as a passenger with new drivers. His response was, "There's no need to worry because the Lord takes care of me, He always has."

In my view, those are powerful words to live by.

Did I mention how excited I am to share some of my adventures with all of you?! I have had an action packed life, and I am just getting started. Bunches of them stories are coming.

My sister finally convinced me to do my intro post. My sister is @gringalicious. That's me and my sister below. Isn't that nifty?

The pic above is me in the deep South of Chile. Trust me, we're going to talk about that later.

Ok peeps, I have the hungers and I must go.

Until next time, remember, DON'T WORRY!!


♥️♥️♥️I'm so proud of this girl, you guys!!!💕 I'm just telling you right now, get ready for some great inspiration coming your way from this account. ⛵️ She'll take you on adventures🌄 through her photos.✈️ Go get em, Lil sis!!!↪️ ♥️😗😉♥️

Ahh thank you Tori!!! I really really love your words 😍😍 You're amazing, girl. Thank you again my lovely 😘

Welcome to the future @fullofhope.

Such a great sister!

Way to get her started!

I had super fantastic examples from you!

Family on Steemit? Love it! Way to take care of your little sis!


I wish the youth in South Africa wants to work together like you two. I am going to send a million free traffic from facebook to Steemit. So stay in touch to get a share of the action.

Thanks sounds great!

Welcome to steemit. Nice to see that your sister got you involved, always good to have an extra boost when joining the platform. I am sure you will enjoy it. All the best of wishes to you and good luck with all your future endeavours!

Upvoted to get it to the top... so... many... comments :O

Oh wow, i really appreciate what you said..thank you so much!

Welcome, welcome @fullofhope

Glad @gringalicious brought you on board. This place is really cool!😎

You have one of the best teachers to help you along the way 😝

Look forward to the adventures! 🐳

Thanks! Haha Yes, its already been awesome! 😎

@gringalicious is your sister? You must eat so well!! Her food posts have been the highlight of many of my days. Especially the Nacho recipe. Welcome to Steemit and I hope you enjoy it here!!

Yes! Shes my sister 😍 Thanks for commenting @bruckdashel :)

Anytime :-) I followed you so you better come up with some interesting psots like your sister ;-)

Hahaha Will do 😋Thanks :)

Hi and welcome to Steemit! Glad your sister convinced you to join!

That's awesome @gringalicious! It's so awesome when family comes on board.
Welcome to Steemit @fullofhope! :D

Thanks so much @sykochia. I really appreciate the support

welcome to steemit!! :)

@doitvoluntarily, thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my intro post. My sister @gringalicious told me that you are one of THE ones to follow. Again, I appreciate your time to give me a little boost

well that's awfully nice to hear considering that I think the same about your sis!
looking forward to your posts! cheers :)

Welcome to Steemit @fullofhope! I'm ready for the adventures, I love travel photo's! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us :D

Have a good time here on Steemit!

@playfuldoodie, my sister @gringalicous told me about you. She said that you would be one to follow. Thanks so much for your support

It's no problem at all. I love good photo's and to see other parts of the world. It will be fun to see your future posts :-)

Hey welcome..love your name. Finally you've listened to your big sis and be here. Show us those adventures of yours!

Ahh, @immarogas, my sister told me that you were one of the ones to pay attention to. You now have a new follower!

thank you..i hope i can deliver ;)

Will follow because I think you have a wonderfull sister be thankful for her she has one of the posts I really!!!!! love actually jealous of you two welcome and just enjoy.

Big bear full of hope inspired me to follow you. I thank Jesus for your support of full of hope. It is so beautiful. At the moment I am on small beginnings. But I plan a campaign that will send thousands and millions of traffic from facebook to steemit. Interested in attracting some of that traffic yourself? Just follow me. I will keep steemit up to date as to what it did to boost my earnings and how you can send some of that traffic to your steemit posts for free. Think about it, a million a month is 12 million new eyeballs a year. YOu can do the same! Just stay in touch.

@bigbear, that is so sweet. She told me about you and that I should pay attention. This is so fun, glad to be on this ride with you

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