Introduce Yourself! First Post Alert. My name is Tim Wakefield - not the knuckleballer!

Greetings from Earth!

My name is Tim and I'm an enthusiast. It would take a while to list all the things I am enthusiastic about, so I'll just say I am an enthusiast!

I am not a baseball player, althought there is a famous baseball player who uses my name. I am a saxophone player, and a slide guitarist, and a singer and a songwriter and a writer. I really like music.

I also have a fabulous wife and three lovely children. :-)

I am convinced that human beings are far more interesting than most people give them credit for, even the humanists. Here are some photos of me:

2016-01-23 14.10.28.jpg

Yeah, that's me. And I'm talking to you!


Yeah you! Hello! I'm sure we can be friends. I'm friends with seagulls:


And other birds:


I have been known to play the guitar:


And to wear fancy whiskers and hats:


And occasionally to pull funny faces in places of worship:


I have a phone:


And a twelve-string guitar:


Yes it really is a twelve-string:


I have also been known not to have hair, and to sit in a corner with my feet in a funny position sketching some roof beams:

Picture 128.jpg

All in all, I consider myself to be pretty normal really, but these photos definitely suggest otherwise. Oh well.

Anyways, I'm very happy to have found Steemit, and plan to upload much fascinating content. Oh, and I have hair again now, and here are two of the children.

Photo on 30-07-2017 at 18.27.jpg


Welcome here @fulcanelli. Enjoy steemit !

Hi @cryptopassion! I also have some passion for crypto! Best wishes to you!

Welcome to Steem @fulcanelli I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thanks botty! Love your work. :-)

Greetings fellow earthling! Love the pics. :)

Thank you. You seem like a very nice person. ;-)


Welcome to Steemit @Fulcanelli :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me !

Hi @khunfarang! Hope you're having a good day!

I'm sure that I know that face.

Welcome To Steemit! @fulcanelli, I hope you find the platform useful for your ideas and posts. Heres is a link to a video of Andrew Levine that helped me understand steemit a lot better, good luck! video

Thanks leviatan! Hope you're good!

A new Steemian :-) hello @fulcanelli I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I Have upvoted and will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

Thanks @tradewonk! All the best to you!

Hi @fulcanelli welcome to Steemit. I do hope that you have a wonderful time on this platform, if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with do not hesitate to ask, I will be more than happy to help.
If you would like to stay in touch please Follow me @Fshllc

Hi @fshllc. Thanks for the welcome and I will follow you! :-)

Thank you for the follow, feel free to visit my blog @fshllc from time to time and check out new posts, give me feed back by commenting and upvote the ones you will enjoy. Have a lovely day :)

Hello and welcome to Steem! :-) Followed. Follow me back 😘

Hi @kassie-vegas! I'm following you. Code, research and piano sounds like a fabulous mixture. :-)

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