in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

Why on earth would anyone want a second Steemit account?

After being on Steemit for nearly two years there are a bunch of things I'm still wondering about.

And starting a new account seems like a good way to suss them out, because then I can try a bunch of random shit and see what happens.

Several of my friends have set up new accounts in order to be anonymous. But I'm not convinced that is really possible. If anyone wants to find out who I am, they can do it.

But I'm pretty much passed caring about that - I've been posting stuff on my own websites and blogs for 20 years now, and I've said just about everything controversial I can think of. If the CIA are watching me they know where I am!

So I'll say it up front: I'm better known as @sift666 and my website domains include and

On my @sift666 account I'm an old school Steemian with a bunch of principles that have been drummed into me. I've worked hard to build up a good account, post good content and be the sort of person I want to meet on Steemit.

But there are some things that I'm really quite unsure about. Issues I'm avoiding and other things I'd like to test out. Such as:

Is it OK to post content from my own webpages if I didn't write it new for Steemit?

Is it OK to use bidbots to upvote my posts and make more money?

And is it OK to do short posts like photos, art, and jokes?

I come from a Steemit background in which the answer to those questions is NO IT'S NOT, you circle jerking plagiarist!

On my sift666 account I have posted an image on every single comment I've ever done (about 5500 of them), and now I would really hate to do a comment without an image. Probably nobody else gives a toss about that one, but I now have a standard to live up to.

And that is what being old school is like - we have these rules and regulations.

A bunch of my Steemit friends are vegetarian or vegan, but I own a business selling animal based food supplements like cod liver oil and gelatin.

I think veganism is a very poor diet choice and have some kick arse research to back that up. But on Steemit we just don't go there, and I have never posted any information from our Paleo or WAPF pages. Is that a good thing? - it has been easier, but I don't know if I'm just being a gimp...

A big thing that I'm trying to get my head around is that everyone I'm following (and me too) has taken a massive drop in payouts this year - and even if bidbots are the main cause of that, what if not using them is never going to fix the problem, and not using them is shooting myself in the foot?

Old school sift666 has always thought bidbots are evil, but going from $50 posts to $5 posts sucks. I didn't get $20 grand in my wallet from earning increasingly lower amounts, and I can see those old big earner days are over.

So here is where @frot comes in - on this account I'm not trying to play by a secret set of rules like a Yakuza or something, the way I feel compelled to on @sift666 . FROT is just about finding the best way to post content and also make profits. And what I learn here I'll use on @sift666

Does it matter whether anyone even follows this new account? I don't know, and that is why I'm doing this experiment. I'm just curious to see how it pans out.


Welcome to Steemit @frot!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How does Steemit actually work?

Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings!


Hi, I'm @edosweet. I stopped by to give you a warm welcome to the Steemit platform. I wish you good luck and many good things as you join us.

What an excellent post!


Watching with interest, and for me that is half the problem on steemit, everyone is imposing their rules on other people, so it will be interesting to set yourself free from the bonds that be, go get em my friend.

Hiya Frot and welcome to Steemit :P

Looking forward to seeing how your experiment goes.

You're not a gimp... just savvy ;)


Welcome to Steem, @frot!

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I've noticed lately very old posts of mine, getting a new comment & then that comment gets 4-5 upvotes right away worth $1 or $2. Then the account connected to that comment cashes out DAILY their steem$.

Start a new supplement - mix the cod liver oil with cbd oil and some flavoring agents to it like STRAWBERRY (the worst flavor of ice cream there is) how would that sell?

Also I looked over your site a while back, did not notice anything on the NAGALASE in the vaccines. I'm told the Nagalase is not new- it's been there. So even I who haven't have a Vaccine in at least 20 years has Nagalase. Some guy on the internet has a bunch of videos claiming 3 months of fresh broccoli sprouts twice a day will clean the NAGALASE out of your system. Then take homemade raw Keifer Milk with extra probiotics to repopulate the gut & your body will be able to make its own GMAF or is it GMACF again?

Welcome to steemit @frot - it took me a few minutes to find you....
Follow me - I follow you - upvote my posts hehe

LOL - I still can barely open the laptop let alone follow anyone!

Welcome to Steemit, frot! Best wishes for make many new friends here in this very cool community with many nice people :) Best Regards

By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.

@greetersguild invite link
@newbieresteemday invite link

imposter - show us ya claim to @sift666 but fail to show a picture of your beautiful bots...naughty...anyway nice to meet you space cadet stimpy, whos in the cubicle next to you??? kitty?
Actually i am gonna call that cat in Wellington and we will both flag your bangldeshi arse back to somewhere

follow for a follow???

sucky for sucky?

you speaka da engrish?

Thanks deer - folow u longtime

right thats it...what is bernies direct dial?? in the bots

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