13 & 1/2 when they broke me

In life there comes a defining moment, a moment when looking back, you clearly realise that that was the split! The instant when the constant now of innocence, the eternal youthful awesomeness of pure experientialism, is ripped out of your deepest soul, by the root…and transferred onto a brand new track, one you never realised was there all this time, barreling down the hill, right into your life, SMACK!
Wake Up Asshole!
Suddenly there exists a before, where there NEVER was one, EVER! It comes as a sharp betrayal, a sob from the bottom of your soul, when it finally connects, with reality! Suddenly your name is sot (pig) Carlos! WTF! Carlos! Who ever heard of such a fucking (nic)name in 1984 Afrikaans South Africa! My first day in Boarding School HELL just commenced, welcome to Hoerskool Diamandveld (Diamondfields High), Kimberley, Northern Cape Province, South Africa.
Well, I can tell you now, I never recovered from that mindfuck…, but more on that some other time…
for the moment…
I can’t even begin to describe my JOY at discovering steemit.com, through my fellow steemer and life raconteur, Uwe Uehle @steemuwe, thanks Uwe, you ROCK! Life is so amazing and intense, no wonder it kills us in the end…, not that we ever die as such, I mean that’s just a rumour, right?
Apologies for this intro, I just can’t help myself! I’m so excited! It feels like I can explode with joy and hope, and the finally validated and realised FAITH in humanity, I always knew existed! I guess I have a somewhat unique, although not exclusive, view on life and the world, starting life when and where I did, and having experienced the things I did up until now, from my point of view, at least, I guess…
Isn’t it amazing how our experiences shape our worldview and life?
All I ever wanted was to have fun! To run around half naked in the bush, and play with my friends, all day long! Enjoying the endless summer days of Fun in the Sun in the Kalahari desert, the most amazing place to grow up in the world ever! Haha, how biased am I!
@erlank-i-am, is literally WHO-I-AM, always was, always will be
So, thank you @dan and @ned for, UNSPLITTING the world again!
That’s how much of a big deal steemit.com is! It is the beginning of a NEW ERA! of Self Actualisation! I can see it happening here already, the unabashed authenticity, the openness, the IRL communication from the now presence, from where we’d all rather communicate from, from deep inside our souls…
Up until this ‘moment’ I’ve never really added any heart and soul to my ‘virtual’ life. I’ve always known/realised that the online prostitution of our life experiences onto the web, social media, business world, etc. out there, was just a continuous haemorrhaging of our life essences, to be lost to us forever, with not so much as a thank you very much! Just the cost of doing business my friend!
Yes, we the corptocrats, provide the platform you plebs puke up your creativity, your sweat and tears and we’ll decide what to do with it and how much to ‘pay’ you for your efforts, if at all, and oh by the way, here’s another pop-up, another advert for our posterity, pay the bills asshole and shut up, we are the alpha and the omega, we RULE!
Fuck right Off I say!
RIDDIC: Are you still with me!? “Are you WITH me Kiera? Are you WITH ME?!”
The one thing that I got out of my boarding school hell… Sci-Fi and Fantasy! At the very moment of my greatest suffering and adversity, an angel appears, to take pity on my cowering soul, realising I was hiding in the library, away from the ugly daily reality of pain and humiliation… I never knew her name, or how it happened that a brand new provincial library was freshly built and stocked with the latest in literature to elucidate the savage whites (no blacks allowed remember!) Perhaps the Queen paid for it, after receiving word of the astonishing valuation of the Cullinan Diamond dug out of the Great Hole in Kimberly! Long Live The Queen! England Prevail!
Isaac Asimov, Arthur C Clarke, Ray Bradbury, Philip K Dick, Greg Bear, Robert Silverberg, Frank Herbert, …
David Eddings, JRR Tolkien, Guy Gavriel Kay, Steven King, Dean R Koontz, Anne McCaffrey, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jules Verne, …
So many more, I can’t even remember, I must have read 1000’s of books in the two and a half years I was subjugated in boarding school…. They could not reach me there, in my special place, every moment I could, I escaped to the stars, space ships artificial life, robots, the deep forests and the Ents, the Orb of Aldur, wow I can feel it still, the magic of being teleported into fantasy, away from pain. I was the future in those stories, and here we are now!
Sorry, I’m rambling!
What I’m trying to say is this. We have worked hard and suffered much, all of us in our own ways! However, we have come far! We live in the future of now, the one we have always dreamed of existing! We are here now! We are the ones we have been waiting for! It is time NOW, to take back the PRESENT, so WE can SHAPE the FUTURE, our future, how we want it! Not how they are making it for us, with the destruction of our beautiful planet, Our Mother Earth!
It’s time for Generation X to take a stand and make a stand! I mean seriously, look at what we have! For one, a Southern African born (Canadian-American) set up SpaceX and Tesla and Solar City after developing PayPal a online payment system for the internet! I saw my first computer when I was 18 for goodness sake! Elon Musk is 1 year YOUNGER than ME and a Billionaire Inventor Business Magnate, sending people into Space, getting ready to terraform Mars! Sci-Fi DELUX!
He was born in Pretoria, where I was conscripted into the SADF (South African Defence Force) in 1989 at 19 and nearly froze to death one night , in a Guard Tower! I fell off the steel ladder because my hands were numb and my body frozen stiff, while hanging onto my loaded R1 assault rifle! I leopard crawled out of the tower onto the tarmac and thank Creator Source I did not shoot myself or someone else in the process! And that was just one night, I was there for 15 months!
This is a very long story, that we can go into over time, here in our new corner of cyberspace, where we can finally let our hair down, and LET IT ALL HANG OUT! Cause why, cause this is OUR PLACE and we can express freely and share our collective magnificence with each other as equals in creation as Creator Source intended from the very start! If you care to know more, just ask, I’d love to get to know you too…lay it all out!
Our time is now! We are here and we are ready!
Together here on steemit.com, voting with our hearts and souls for each other, the possible and fantastical future of our planet, in our hands! Our amazing diverse human race with beautiful male and female equals, land and sea animal beings, co-creating the New Reality!
Thanking you Steemers!
May we from now on and forever more, always remember and honour the Face of our Farther’s!


"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." Antoine de Saint-Exupery

It's about time to get the party started brother ;-)

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