Introduce My Self

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

steemit profil.jpeg
Salam steemit.

@emnajourney,memiliki nama lengkap Mohammad Nasier H, lahir dan tinggal di Aceh, #indonesia, pada tahun 1968.

Frofesi Saya adalah videojournalist dan suka pada advokasi lingkungan.

Saya mengenal steemit dari rekan @ayijufridar dan saya katakan “ steemit yess”.

Para steemian, jangan lupa follow ya.
Salam steemit untuk semua.

Foto di bawah ini adalah ketika saya ikut training yang diselenggarakan oleh Internews, lembaga dari Negara Belanda, di Universitas Indonesia Jakarta.


Best regards steemit.

@ emnajourney, has the full name of Mohammad Nasier H, born and living in Aceh, #indonesia, in 1968. My workshop is a videojournalist and loves environmental advocacy.

I know steemit from colleague @ayijufridar and I say "steemit yess".

The steemians, do not forget to follow me.

Best regards steemit for all.

The photo below is when I attended a training organized by Internews, an institution from the Netherlands, at the University of Indonesia Jakarta.


Selamat bergabung di steemit Pak @emnajourney, semoga ini dapat menjadi wadah berekspresi.

amin...semoga. terimaksih ats perahtian dan dukungan @rayfa. salam

Welcome! Gave you a follow! giphy.gif

thank you so muck


Welcome to Steem @emnajourney I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thank you for your attention to me. I hope the next day will be better.

Hello @emnajourney
Welcome to Steemit. I am also new here. Hope to make friendship with you. I hope you have a great time in this platform. Respect from @steemero

Thank you @steemero. may we learn to be able to use better media.

Congratulations on joining @emnajourney ... keep working well, I think you're a good writer, keep your best writing on this steemit, I @rerycore will visit your steemit account. Greetings know from me @rerycore.

Thanks @rerycero. Hopefully I can learn to you about how to fill out the content on steemit is good. so glad to communicate with you

Welcome to Steemit! Nice introduction!


I hope you like it. Thank's @noewne

Welcome to Steemit Emnajourney:) Glad to see more people like you - here joining Steemit! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunpoom

Thank you @khunpoom. I also hope will be many more who are following me, but mareka will follow if the things I send favored by steemian

Welcome @emnajourney aboard the steemit express. This is a great platform to express yourself just like any other social media outlet except this one pays its users for interacting with each other. Post good content and your rewards can be limitless but always stay true to yourself.

Checkout this post and give me some feedback on it


I love on the "always stay true to yourself" you mentioned.
Thank you have motivated me to give it the best thing at steemit.

Thanks @slickkusler007

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