Yet another blogger, but maybe I am different?

Hello... Steemitarians? Steemers? Steemitis?

Oh well, hello fellow steemit users!

As you might be able to tell, I am quite new to this platform, but excited to start. Writing has been a passion of mine ever since I was able to hold a pen in my hands as a child. So this seems to be the perfect opportunity to start a blog.


So who am I? You could say that I am your typical awkward introvert girl. I make jokes that most people don't understand. I like to compare myself to my phone: Alone time is my way of recharging, without it I run out of energy at some point. At the same time I need people and meaningful relationships in my life as I need air to breathe or water to drink or avocados to eat.

There are many things I am passionate about and I am easily inspired. I love reading and books. I've tried to write some novels when I was a teenager. One story I actually finished in 70 pages, but as I was 14 years old at the time, the story is pretty embarrassing. I also have a booklet that I called "The book with 100 unfinished stories". However, I am still into fiction and maybe my dream of a being a publishing author comes true one day in the future.

Another thing I like is travelling. Hiking. Nature. Backpacking. Roadtrips. Photography. Yup, I am all blogger-clichée in that sense. I force people to take pictures of me in beautiful places telling them: "I want a lot of nature and little me". They can get quite annoyed.


I am also all into health, plant-based eating, living a minimalistic life and protecting this beautiful planet of ours. I love food and cooking and I am currently writing on a cook book. Also, I have a thing for crystals and even though I am really not esoteric, religious or anything like that, there is a small part of me that believes in their powers. Also, come on, they are just magnificent.


So what is happening here? Why would it be interesting to follow me? What am I going to write about?

You will get the once in a lifetime chance (!) to be taken on my journey which is life. My travels, my photography, my adventures, my delicious cooking experiments and much more will be shared here. I have also managed to gather a fair amount of wisdom (alright, you will be the judge of that) on my short 23 years on this planet which I will be talking about.

So stay tuned - if I can even say that -, I'm out!



Welcome to the community :)

I enjoyed your post, it's always nice to meet an awkard, introverted, nature loving, plant eating girl that loves to write stories and share her life.

I laughed at the avocado part as well, sounds like you and my gf get along real well, she loves those things.

Looking forward to what you have to share.

I am sure I would get along with her, avocado-love is a good foundation for friendship!

Haha, she'd say the same thing :)

Welcome to Steemit Family.

thank you, I am excited!

Welcome to steemit. Love the pics. follow back and upvote. Peace and Love @airmobile Mick.

I did :) thank you!

Welcome @Earthlingvera!! Nice to see more people like you - here joining steemit!! Becoming a steamian is a great adventure !! Here you can win money while bloging ! At the beginning it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write from your heart and everything will be allright. ! Cheers! Greetings, @khunpoom!

So Steemian is the right word? :D I was wondering! Thanks, I will try my best!

Welcome to Steemit! If you have questions - ask me @dobroman

Welcome to steemit, I want to a little support in this community, I hope we will continue to be able to communicate and will share each other.

I am looking forward to it!

warm welcome! i have upvoted you and following! give me the best @kunani

Welcome Vera, the usual term is "Steemians"! I love crystals as well, I am a bit of a hippie but they are just so fascinating and beautiful from a geological standpoint too. Hope you do well here, looking forward to reading your posts.

Awesome, another hippie! Thank you so much!

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